Tea Party Radio Gives "Tombstone Award" to 4 GOP Sens. Who Defected on Marriage


LetThePeopleVote.comIn Tea Party Review magazine:

This week's TOMBSTONE AWARD goes to the actions of four Republican state senators in New York. Each week Doc Holliday issues a TOMBSTONE of the Week Award that goes to an action, deed or words that deserve to be placed six-feet under the ground. You can hear the award and the rest of this week’s show at Doc Holliday’s Tea Party link by clicking here.

These four New York state senators, Jim Alesi, Roy McDonald, Steve Saland, and Mark Grisanti provided the margin of passage for the new same-sex marriage law in the state of New York. These modern day Benedict Arnold's were the four Republican votes needed to make this law pass. Their votes in Albany were completely different from the way they campaigned during their election posturing.

Tea Party patriots around the country, beware of RINO Republicans who campaign one way and once they get elected vote the opposite way. It doesn't matter what you think of the subject of same-sex marriage, the fact is these Republicans campaigned one way and voted another. They betrayed their constituents. These modern day Benedict Arnold's should get primary opponents and be kicked out of office the next election, and their votes in the state senate should be buried six-feet beneath a tombstone.