Gay Activists Stage "Kiss In" During Mass after Brazil High Court OKs Civil Unions


Almost two weeks ago a Judge on the Brazilian High Court ruled that gay civil unions did not violate their constitution:

Brazil’s Supreme Federal Tribunal has ruled that homosexual unions are equivalent to the “stable unions” of heterosexuals under national law, despite the Brazilian Constitution’s clear limitation of such unions to heterosexual couples.

“Stable unions,” which are roughly equivalent to “civil unions” in English-speaking countries, are arrangements “between a man and a woman”  who live together “as a family entity” according to article 226 of the Brazilian Constitution. Couples in stable unions have access to over one hundred privileges also given to married couples.

But the judge who had principal charge over the case, Carlos Ayres Britto, justified extending the explicitly heterosexual language to homosexual couples based on the Constitution’s prohibition of discrimination based on sex, and the fact that the Constitution does not prohibit homosexual relations --LifeSiteNews

Meanwhile, Wagner Moura, a Catholic blogger in Brazil, writes on his blog (Google Translate version) about gay activists who unfurled a rainbow banner on the steps of a Catholic Church while Mass was being celebrated inside, accompanied by loud music and a "kiss-in".