The Knights of Columbus, the largest association of lay Catholics in the United States (now with a record 1.8 million members) approved a resolution (see the full text here) at their annual convention last week to strongly support the institution of marriage.
Carl Anderson, head of the Knights, writes in his annual report:
Today, the very nature of the family is being threatened in many places and in many ways. And during the past four decades, even our most fundamental right – the right to life – has been undermined.
I don’t have to tell you that in many ways, society has lost track of the things that are most important: the sacredness of human life, and the right of every child, not only to be born, but to be raised by a mother and a father.
As faithful Catholics and Knights of Columbus, we know that among the most important tasks ahead of us is the need to shape our culture according to Gospel values, and to bring the Christian message of hope to all.