Dear Marriage Supporter:
I had the privilege of being at Bob Turner's victory party last night in Howard Beach, and speaking briefly with the Congressman-elect after his dramatic victory over pro-SSM David Weprin. For those following on Twitter, early in the evening I made what I thought at the time was a bold prediction that Turner would win by 5 points – only to see his margin grow as returns from Brooklyn came in, setting his eventual 8-point victory.
What a tremendous day for marriage! New York's 9th Congressional District, which Obama won, Clinton won, and which has had a Democrat in Congress since 1923, showed Tuesday that marriage is important. David Weprin was not able to defend himself against his vote to support same-sex marriage in New York, and his constituents made that clear. 42 percent of them oppose same-sex marriage. 29 percent said marriage was a significant issue in this race. And Tuesday a strong majority showed Weprin that they have had enough.
NOM played a major role in this election, helping to organize the Jewish and Hispanic communities to coalesce with Republicans, conservative and other pro-family voters. We mounted the first and largest independent expenditure campaign in the race to make marriage a key issue, and we succeeded. Special thanks go out to Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein and Sen. Ruben Diaz for voicing automated phone calls to tens of thousands of Orthodox Jewish and Hispanic households in the district. Many voters were deeply offended by Weprin's support for same-sex marriage, and these phone calls from respected leaders helped to make sure voters knew Weprin's radical pro-ssm record.
David Weprin is not going to Congress for one reason: he listened to Andrew Cuomo, Michael Bloomberg, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and a few billionaires on Wall Street and went along with them to redefine marriage. Weprin foolishly believed them when they promised to protect him from any fallout over his vote to redefine marriage.
The Human Rights Campaign continues to absurdly claim that no politician has ever been defeated over his or her vote to redefine marriage, even though NOM is responsible for defeating countless same-sex marriage advocates and electing hundreds of candidates who have pledged their support for traditional marriage. But even the mainstream media is beginning to see through HRC's deception. (Check out today for a taste of what the media is saying about the importance of marriage in the race.)
Many, many thanks to each of you who have taken action to stand up for marriage this week, whether it be voting in New York, calling legislators in North Carolina, or spreading the word to friends and family. NOM made substantial investments in both the North Carolina and the New York victories, and we need your help to replenish our funds. Same-sex marriage advocates are already planning their next steps, and we need your help so that we can continue to respond wherever the next threat arises.
If you are able to make a one-time gift of $25, $50, or even $100 or more, please do it right now. We are your voice for marriage in the public square, and your gift will help us to continue to achieve important victories for marriage all across the nation. Please click here to make your most generous gift today.
On to victory!
Brian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage