"Faith in America" a North Carolina group which allegedly includes Christians committed to eliminating "faith-based bigotry" actually wants major corporations to fire people who oppose same-sex marriage:
“We want these two companies, who have been recognized as LGBT-friendly, to rethink their evaluation of Frank Turek,” Faith in America Executive Director Brent Childers said in a release on Wednesday. “Specifically, we want Bank of America and CISCO to publicly denounce the unique and very harmful stigma and hostility that Frank Turek endorses and promotes..."
Meanwhile, the gay press acknowledges NOM's role in getting the companies to adopt nondiscrimination policies towards people on all sides of the gay marriage debate:
Turek later teamed up with the anti-gay National Organization for Marriage and their new Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance. In videos posted to NOM’s site and in action alerts emailed to supporters, Turek claimed he had been discriminated against solely because of his views on marriage.
The two companies finally gave way to Turek and the National Organization for Marriage last month.
Nobody should be afraid of losing their job because they speak civilly in the public square against (or for!) gay marriage, in our view.