12 Hours Remaining!!! Help Reach our $200K Matching Grant Goal by Midnight Tonight!


With just twelve hours remaining, we need to raise $164,331 by midnight tonight to meet our Matching Grant Challenge.

Please click here to join our online Money Bomb right now!

So far, with donations still rolling in, we have raised $35,669.00. And every dollar raised by midnight tonight will be doubled, allowing us to extend our message even further in these last three weeks before the election.

Time is short! We have just a short window of opportunity to reach the American people with our message about marriage. Please click here to make your gift right now. Then tell five friends and family right away.

Between now and the November election, we're launching hard-hitting new radio and TV ads to expose politicians supporting same-sex marriage, and to keep Americans informed.

  • In New Hampshire, we just launched our biggest ad campaign yet, showing voters how Governor Lynch says one thing, but does just the opposite.
  • In Minnesota, we're letting voters know that two of the three candidates for governor oppose the civil right of Minnesotans to vote on marriage.
  • We just launched a new Spanish language ad in California, making voters aware of Barbara Boxer's extreme views on same-sex marriage and abortion, as well as her opposition to a guest worker program allowing immigrants to work in the U.S. legally.
  • And in Iowa, we're making sure voters know it's their right to reject the three supreme court judges on the ballot who forced same-sex marriage on the state last year.

And there's more to come, I promise you. But only if we have the resources to get the word out in these last few days while people are paying close attention to what their politicians think about marriage. Please make your gift today!

The Human Rights Campaign is engaged in a coordinated effort to slander, misrepresent, and discredit NOM's message and mission. They are obsessed with stopping our amazing success over the past three years. And they have launched this series of vicious attacks on NOM because they know our message is getting through.

The worst of it is their blatant anti-religious bigotry – accusing NOM of "deep ties to the Mormon Church, the Catholic Church hierarchy and right-wing evangelical pastors and organizations." Somehow, HRC thinks this is a scandal. But we couldn’t be prouder of our support from people of faith.

The only way they can succeed is if they can force you and me to keep silent.

And we won't back down. Ever.

The only question is whether we will have the resources to keep spreading our message far and wide. I appreciate the emails from many of you expressing outrage over HRC's attempt to vilify NOM, our staff, and our supporters.

I'm asking you to help us send a message to HRC.
Show them that their attacks helped raise $400,000 to protect marriage over just
the past week. Click here to make your gift of $25, $50 or even $100 or more today!

I am heartened with the strong show of support we have received from so many in these past six days. Many of you are new supporters who have never before given to the work we are doing, and I thank you for joining us in this fight.

But there is much work left to be done. Tens of thousands of you reading this message have never yet donated to protect marriage. If you're not in a position to donate, please know that your prayers, phone calls, emails and letters are critical to this marriage fight. But most of us could afford $20 – the cost of a family dinner at McDonalds. And every gift today will be doubled!

Please keep spreading the word. Tell your family and friends. We have just a few hours remaining. Please make your contribution right now!