One week ago, I introduced you to the Human Rights Campaign's latest attack website:, and laid down a challenge, asking you to raise $200,000 in a single week, with every dollar to be matched by a matching challenge grant.
I told you this campaign would show what we are made of.
And you rose to the occasion!
"Thank you" hardly seems adequate to express my gratitude. Over the past seven days, nearly 1,000 of you contributed to what is easily our largest and most successful online campaign ever. Many of you gave sacrificially to stand up for what is right, and to remind the Human Rights Campaign that we will never back down in the face of their lies and anti-religious bigotry.
Over the past week, we received $87,583 from 985 generous supporters. And to top if off, as the campaign drew to a close I received a call from a gentleman who was outraged by HRC's attempts to silence NOM. He was calling to tell me that he would be mailing a check for $150,000, just to make sure that every dollar of the matching grant was realized.
So, I am pleased to report . . . Our matching grant campaign successfully raised at total of $237,583, qualifying for the full $200,000 matching grant contribution.
And here's the bottom line:
Because of HRC's new website,, with all its name-calling, intimidation and over-the-top graphics, we now have $437,000 that we didn’t have a week ago. That's nearly a half million dollars for marriage that would not be available were it not for
And instead of putting that money into silly attack websites (If you still haven’t visited, I hope you’ll go have a look at for yourself!), we will use every penny to protect marriage, organizing grassroots support, holding politicians accountable, and reaching out to those who are still undecided or willing to reconsider their views on same-sex marriage.
It has been a tremendous week . . . and the best is yet to come! Thank you.