NY Press: Marriage Was "Referendum" Issue in NY Special Election; Fidler "Hammered" for Same-Sex Marriage


More from the New York press on the role same-sex marriage played in the New York special election to replace disgraced marriage flip-flopper Sen. Kruger:

Brooklyn Daily: "...a war of words between the two men that turned the race into a referendum on their faiths and positions on abortion and gay marriage — hot button issues weighed by the district’s influential Orthodox and Hasidic communities."

New York Post: "Fidler also got hammered for his support of gay marriage, an unpopular position in the district."

PolitickerNY: Mr. Storobin’s campaign was seen as a longshot, but he had heavy support from the local and state Republican Party, which was betting a campaign focused on Mr. Fidler’s liberal positions on social issues, specifically gay marriage, could be a success among the large numbers of Russians and Orthodox Jews in the district.

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