Where Are the 12 Million Millennial Americans Who Believe in Marriage?


The Public Religion Research Institute/Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs at Georgetown recently released a report showing that among Millennials (Aged 18-24), 37% of them oppose same-sex marriage. 59% said they favored same-sex marriage and 4% did not answer.

If we take these percentages at face value, they still mean that almost 12 million young Americans believe in marriage as the union of husband and wife.

So where are they?

I've met them. But many Americans obviously have not, judging by what I've seen on college campuses and witnessed in mainstream entertainment. And what is more surprising to consider is how many of these young pro-marriage Americans are currently enrolled in college or graduate school programs where free speech and academic freedom are supposedly essential values.

Is there truly a place for pro-marriage Millennial voices in our culture? It's not at all clear to me that there is right now. But it is equally clear to me that there should be such a place.

When it comes to the question of marriage and the views of the next generation, I'm a "glass is half full" sort of guy. Even if it's less than half full right now. For one thing, young people's attitudes change over time, and it's no surprise to me that people's views about what it takes to be married and raise a family change the closer one gets to actually having to live these choices.

It's also amazing and inspiring to witness how stubbornly young people continue to be for marriage despite all of the pressure that is brought against them for valuing it. Daniel Glowacki's story is just one such example. How many other Daniel Glowacki's are there out there who simply avoid taking that first step of speaking up and choose to remain silent instead?

Moreover, how much will this debate over marriage change when young pro-marriage people begin speaking out in more numbers and with more conviction?

I'm excited to find that out. So stay tuned!