The Human Rights Campaign delivered a petition demanding the LDS Church change its theology on sex and marriage, in order to remedy bullying. Apparently, Joe Solmonese thinks HE should dictate theology for the Mormon church! Now, when that effort fails, HRC issues a press release claiming victory anyway. (The leaders of the Church called on all members to show kindness and eschew bullying, but reaffirmed the teaching opposing same-gender sex and affirming marriage as the union of husband and wife will stand forever.)
Today the LDS Church rebuked HRC for misrepresenting the church's position:
SALT LAKE CITY — The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has responded to a news release from The Human Rights Campaign (HRC). The HRC claims the Mormon Church has removed same-sex attraction as a sin in church policy.
Scott Trotter, spokesperson for The Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints, released this statement today: "The HRC's representations of the changes in the new handbook are simply absurd."