George Maragos, who is running in the New York GOP primary to challenge Sen. Gillibrand, attempts to distinguish himself from the other candidates by making his support of marriage clear:
U.S. Senate Candidate George Maragos: All Conservatives and Republicans should be alarmed with Ms. Long's recent statement in which she curiously stops short of defending traditional marriage. Ms Long simply states that "the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) upholds the constitutional premise that marriage is a state issue, allowing individual states to adopt laws {they} want." In other words she agrees with the State of New York same-sex law. Perhaps she is "evolving" as Senator Gillibrand and President Obama have in support of gay marriage?
I support DOMA, but I believe that the New York same-sex law should be repealed to respect the religious beliefs of millions of New Yorkers regarding traditional marriage. -- Maragos for New York