CEOs that come out in favor of redefining marriage are sure to receive a great deal of media attention, but what often goes unnoticed is how the majority of corporations --including large corporations-- are focusing on their business, and are not interested in taking sides on a hot button social issue. The Pioneer Press quotes some of them:
Ameriprise Financial: "We have not taken a public position on this matter, as it is a state issue that does not directly pertain to our business."
CHS: "CHS does not take positions on issues that do not directly affect its business operations. As always, we encourage our employees to exercise their rights as citizens to vote on public offices and issues on the ballot in their home communities."
3M: Has taken no stand on the marriage amendment. "We focus on business issues," said 3M spokeswoman Jacqueline Berry.
U.S. Bancorp: "This issue does not relate to our core business of banking. We as an organization are neutral and do not weigh in on social policy issues. Our employees, of course, are entitled to take their own actions and have their own views, and we support those rights."
Xcel Energy: "We typically do not take positions on ballot questions that do not concern energy policy and we have no plans to fund either side of this initiative. Our benefits package was expanded in 1995 to cover domestic partners and it will not be affected by the outcome of this election."
Other Minnesota companies, such as United HealthGroup, Hormel Foods, Land O'Lakes, Mosaic, Nash Finch, C.H. Robinson, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, simply refused comment.