For those of you in the DC area, NOM Chairman Maggie Gallagher will be debating Andrew Sullivan at Georgetown University tonight at 7:30pm. Please come on out if you can to support Maggie and enjoy the lively debate. Come early to get a good seat!
The evening is sponsored by “Catholics for Equality,” a new group that is drawing fire for its efforts to organize Catholic opposition to Church teaching on marriage – from inside the church with a new app to locate sympathetic parishioners while at Mass, and to report priests who speak out about marriage. Tom Peters of the AmericanPapist blog calls this new group “an unprecedented and dangerous threat to the Church.”
So join Maggie as she stands for the truth about marriage. The event will be held from 7:30-10:30pm at the Georgetown University Intercultural Center Auditorium (ICC) on the corner of 37th and O Streets, NW.
Wednesday, December 8
7:30 – 10:30pm
Georgetown University Intercultural Center Auditorium (ICC)
37th and O Sts, NW
Washington, DC