Conservative radio and TV host Mike Huckabee and the National Organization for Marriage are calling on people to eat at Chick-fil-A on Wednesday to support Dan Cathy, the company's president, who is being attacked by gay activists for saying in recent interviews that he supports traditional marriage.
"Imagine if folks all across the country united together in support of heroes like Dan and Truett Cathy that stand for strengthening marriage and family!" wrote Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage, on Saturday.
In response to the boycott threats against Chick-fil-A, Mike Huckabee, who was a 2008 presidential candidate, last week called on his radio show listeners to support the Cathy family by making July 25th National Eat at Chick-fil-A Day.
Today is Eat Chick-fil-A Day! Have you visited your nearest Chick-fil-A and thanked them for being pro-marriage?