Diverse Faith Leaders and Clergy Stand Together in Support of Marriage and the Minnesota Marriage Protection Amendment


A press release from Minnesota for Marriage:

Today, an ecumenical fellowship gathered at the Minnesota State Capitol to demonstrate their unity in support of the institution of Marriage as God designed it to be—between one man and one woman—and in support of the Minnesota Marriage Protection Amendment.

Pastor Sergio Amezcua said, “This is not a political case for us; it is moral. We have a duty to protect the institutions that God put on the earth since the beginning of Creation.” Though these pastors and faith leaders come from diverse Christian communities, they are united in their commitment to minister to all people as children of God made in His image and in their belief that God designed marriage between one man and one woman as a gift to society to bond mothers with fathers and parents with children.

The group of diverse faith leaders and clergy from across the state who have come together to defend the truth of marriage as God created it to be includes:  Rev. Jerry McAfee, President of the Minnesota Baptist Convention; Bishop Richard Howell of Shiloh Temple; Mr. Carl Nelson, President of Transform Minnesota – The Evangelical Network; the Most Rev. John C. Nienstedt, Archbishop of St. Paul-Minneapolis; Rev. Troy Dobbs of Grace Church, Eden Prairie; Rev. Sergio Amezucua of Brooklyn Park Evangelical Free Church; various statements from Church of God In Christ, the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, and more.

Minnesota for Marriage has more photos of the event.