Calls Pouring into MN Speaker Thiessen's Office - VOTE NO


Pro-marriage forces are holding an all-day rally and lobbying day in Minnesota to urge their lawmakers to vote no. And they are hitting the phones as well:

"...Opponents remain hopeful that their last-minute push can persuade a crucial few legislators to reject the change, pressing their belief that the DFL-controlled Legislature is going against the wishes of a majority of Minnesotans. They have spent months trying to convince lawmakers that marriage is a sacred union between one man and one woman ordained by God, not any state or even federal law.

“Traditional marriage supporters around the state are extremely upset that the DFL leadership, with same-sex marriage proponents, seem intent on forcing same-sex marriage on Minnesotans who don't want it,” said Autumn Leva, a spokeswoman for Minnesota for Marriage, which is trying to defeat the measure. “They feel betrayed by their legislators.”

In the closing days, same-sex opponents have pounded House Speaker Paul Thissen’s office with calls, at the rate of one a minute. The Minneapolis Democrat said he would not bring up the measure for a vote unless he was certain it would pass.

The debate (which will be livestreamed here) stands to be the most divisive, dramatic and unpredictable at the Capitol this year. Advocates from both sides are expected to jam the Capitol in coming days to let their opinion be known and make sure legislators know they are watching." (Star Tribune)

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