Dear Friends of Marriage,
There's a lot happening around the country, but this morning I want to look north across the border to Canada and ask: Is this our future?
What happens when a government decides it has the right to redefine marriage because "equality" demands it? Some may have gotten used to the idea over the last few years, but when you stop and think about it, this is an awesome act of presumption on the part of the state. Government did not create marriage and government has no business trying to tamper with its basic meaning and purpose.
But as the state gets used to the idea that redefining marriage is within its powers, and indeed is even its constitutional obligation on behalf of gay equality, what else happens?
In Canada we've seen a lot already: We've seen a Catholic bishop brought up on human-rights charges for posting Catholic doctrine on a Catholic website. We've seen litigation against a religious organization (the Knights of Columbus) for refusing to permit same-sex ceremonies in its halls. In Canada, an evangelical ministry which helps disabled adults was told by the government that it may not requires its employees to live according to Christian moral teaching on sex--in fact, in a move reminiscent of George Orwell, these good people were ordered by the government to submit a re-education plan for all their employees. (Stories like these remind me of why NOM works so hard to protect our understanding of marriage, which is sustained by so many of our country's religious organizations and communities of faith. Can you help us today?)
Could it get any worse? Yes. The Bishop of Peterborough, Nicola De Angelis, asked an altar server to step down because his public union with another man was causing dissension and scandal in the parish. (Twelve parishioners had written to the bishop calling for his removal.)
This man took the extraordinary step of going to the government of Canada and asking to be reinstated--as an altar server. His "human rights" complaint is directed not only at the bishop, but at the 12 ordinary citizens who complained.
Instead of dismissing the complaint out of hand and reprimanding this individual for misusing the power of government, what happened? An employee of the so-called human-rights system in Canada, according to Life Site News, actually helped the man craft his legal charges, finding "precedents." And the human rights tribunal has taken up the case.
What will happen next? Most likely--I'm hoping and praying--the charges will be dismissed. But that's not the point. Defending yourself against a flood of litigation is costly and expensive. Even the mere credible threat of such lawsuits will deter people who are not bishops from speaking up and acting on their faith--and that's the point.
I doubt the government of Canada will want to make a public martyr of a Catholic bishop--at least not yet. But the litigation being unleashed against good people in Canada serves a purpose of margainlizing, stigmatizing and repressing Christians and other traditional faith communties--a social control system by the government against believers. We need to stand up and speak out for our beliefs! When you donate to NOM--maybe a monthly donation of just $2, or $20--you are showing that you won't be intimidated.
Here's the future that is already here: We are going to be asked again and again about core tenets of our faith, not Leviticus but Genesis: "Male and female He made us."
Is it true? But also: Does it matter? What price are we willing to pay for Truth?
One of the things that sustains me in this fight is this: I'm not going to voluntarily agree to live in an America where you have to be afraid to speak truth to power about an idea as good as marriage. Power is a reality in this world. But so are courage and common sense, decency and civility. The "marriage equality" crowd is beginning to recognize one thing about NOM: We will not be bullied, silenced or intimidated. With your help, we will speak out for marriage.
In a few minutes I'm off to the Omni Shoreham for the Values Voters Summit. NOM is a co-sponsor this year. And our own Maggie Gallagher will be introducing Miss Carrie Prejean. That I want to see!
God bless you and your family,
Executive Director
National Organization for Marriage
20 Nassau Street, Suite 242
Princeton, NJ 08542
[email protected]
NOM in the News: Feature
"House Bill Introduced to Repeal Defense of Marriage Act"
Christian Post
September 16, 2009
Brian S. Brown, executive director of the National Organization for Marriage, noted that the DOMA repeal bill has failed to garner the support of influential gay lawmaker Barney Frank (D-Mass.) because it is overreaching.
"Brian Brown, bigotry and The Washington Post"
Hartford Courant
September 11, 2009
Brown has since moved on to a larger stage as executive director of the National Organization for Marriage. Now, a story about him in the Washington Post is generating quite a buzz.
"Debating same-sex marriage: The right to marry anyone"
The George Washington University Hatchet
Michael Komo
September 14, 2009
The National Organization for Marriage is one of the only organizations in existence that is still fighting for discrimination in the 21st century. NOM has now opened an office here in D.C., a new effort from an organization that is ultimately on the wrong side of history.
"Debating same-sex marriage: An issue far from being over"
The George Washington University Hatchet
Sam Theodosopoulos
September 14, 2009
Either way, Allied in Pride has their work cut out for them, as NOM is a major organization led by a prominent and effective activist. This will continue to be a tough fight, and for now, the gay movement is losing. NOM has majority legislation and national opinion on their side.
"Voter Referenda on Same-Sex 'Marriage' on Nov. Ballot in Washington and Maine"
September 3, 2009
Pro-family advocates in the Stand for Marriage Maine/Yes on 1 coalition count the Knights of Columbus, National Organization for Marriage, and the Portland Catholic Archdiocese as among their active supporters.
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