Critical Marriage Vote in Maine TODAY!


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Dear Friends of Marriage,

With key votes taking place today in Maine and upstate New York, please do everything you possibly can to help get out the vote.  If you know people who live in these areas, please call them and make sure they get to the polls. Your efforts and phone calls could make the difference in these extremely close races.

Critical Marriage Vote in Maine!
The race to stop same-sex marriage in Maine has come down to the wire. The margin is expected to be razor-thin, and a few hundred votes could tip the outcome one way or the other. Our opposition is extremely well-funded, but the enthusiasm and grassroots momentum we're seeing from our supporters on the ground is contagious, and victory today will go to whichever side is best able to get its supporters to the polls.

Earlier this year, NOM made Maine one of its top priorities for 2009, becoming the largest single donor to the Stand for Marriage Maine/Yes on 1 campaign. Today, the people of Maine have the opportunity to reject the same-sex marriage legislation enacted by their politicians earlier this year. Please help make sure everyone you know in Maine shows up and votes in this pivotal election.

Turnout is expected to be low in this off-year election, making each vote all the more significant. If you live in Maine, don't let anything keep you from voting today! And if you know anyone who lives in Maine, start making phone calls right now. Polls are open until 8pm tonight. The future of marriage in Maine hangs in the balance.

Historic Opportunity in New York 23rd Congressional District!
Today's special election in New York's 23rd Congressional District presents an historic opportunity to shape the future of the Republican Party and set the tone for next year's mid-term elections. NOM has endorsed Conservative Doug Hoffman in this race, making $113,000 in independent expenditures in support of the Hoffman campaign.

Earlier this year, NOM was one of the first to highlight the significance of this race, urging GOP party bosses not to choose pro-gay marriage, pro-abortion, and ACORN-connected Dede Scozzafava to represent Republicans in this race. Many others joined the effort, and last weekend the Republican candidate, Dede Scozzafava dropped out of the race (endorsing Democrat Bill Owens), leaving NY23 voters with a clear choice in this now two-way race.

This special election marks NOM's first intervention in any national race, setting the stage for 2010 as we work to identify and support candidates who will stand boldly for marriage in Washington, working to block President Obama's effort to repeal DOMA. Today is the first step, and we need your help to get out the vote. Polls are open until 9pm tonight.  If you live in upstate New York, or know anyone who does, please make sure that every possible vote is cast in support of Conservative Doug Hoffman.We have the chance to change history today! Victories in Maine and NY-23 would send shockwaves across the nation, and set the tone for the marriage debate throughout the coming year. Both races will be extremely close. Please keep these efforts in your prayers throughout the day. If you live in one of these districts -- GO VOTE! And even if you don't live in Maine or New York, please be sure to call anyone you know in Maine or upstate New York to make sure they vote!


Brian BrownBrian S. Brown
Executive Director
National Organization for Marriage
20 Nassau Street, Suite 242
Princeton, NJ 08542
[email protected]

Paid for by the National Organization for Marriage, Inc. (
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

©2009 National Organization for Marriage.