EMERGENCY ALERT: SSM Vote Likely Today in NY Senate!


NOM Marriage News.

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Dear Friends of Marriage,

We need you right now. The New York Senate is in special session today and could vote on same-sex marriage at any time. Please take a moment right now to call and email your state senator.

Click here to send your state senator an email message.
Click here to look up your state senator's phone number.

Governor Paterson has called the Senate back into special session, pushing for a vote on same-sex marriage even as the Senate works to close a $3.2 billion budget shortfall. Democratic leaders are saying they have a confirmed 25 votes out of the 32 needed for passage. Please take a moment right now to call and email your senator. Tell him to vote NO on same-sex marriage.  Then forward this message to your friends and tell them that we need them right now!!

Time is short.  The future of marriage hangs in the balance.
Please take action right now!


Brian BrownBrian S. Brown
Executive Director
National Organization for Marriage
20 Nassau Street, Suite 242
Princeton, NJ 08542
[email protected]

P.S.: We need every voice to be heard! Please forward this message to 5 friends who you know would be willing to take action right away. Together we can stop same-sex marriage in New York -- but only if we all stand together right now.

©2009 National Organization for Marriage.