NH Vote to Delay Repealing SSM Likely to Influence GOP Presidential Race


New Hampshire Republicans in committee voted to "retain" a bill repealing same-sex marriage, a move that will require them to vote on the bill to repeal gay marriage in January 2012. Politico notices that's likely to influence the prominence of the issue for GOP candidates.

Bizarrely, as ever in the msm, these reporters seem to think opposing gay marriage will be a political problem for Republican candidates. (It may perhaps complicate life for Mitch Daniels, the "truce" candidate.)

New Hampshire gay-marriage debate puts 2012 hopefuls on spot (Politico)

New Hampshire’s Legislature is likely to hold a vote to repeal the state’s law permitting same-sex marriage next January, a development that would force the GOP presidential field to confront the issue on the eve of the first-in-the-nation primary.