For defenders of marriage, these are busy times!
Over 75,000 of you have contacted Congress since we began our defendDOMA campaign (THANK YOU!). After you've joined these tens of thousands of marriage defenders by taking action yourself, keep reading below to catch up on all the other marriage-related news that's happening!
- Donate to support our ongoing efforts to defend marriage.
- Sign the petition urging your congressman to stand for marriage as a co-sponsor of House Concurrent Resolution 25.
- Share this action item with your friends. Help spread the word via Facebook, Twitter, or via your blog or website.
Have you taken action? GREAT! Now, back to the news...
Religious Liberty & Activity:
- Where Does Virginia Social Services Get the Legal Authority to Requires Mandatory Gay Adoption?
- Bishop Tobin of Providence talks about marriage and "rediscovering courage and conviction"
- CARA Pollster: Info missing from survey claiming Catholic support for SSM
- Going After Crystal Dixon
- ADF represents counselor in 11th Circuit fired for referring gay client to colleague
- Bishops warn HUD changes could hamper efforts to provide housing to needy
Culture & Family:
- Are Moms and Dads Just the Same?
- Canadian civil liberties group: Polygamy ban should be 'relegated to scrap heap of history'
- After SSM, What Next? Half-Marriage and Ending the "Privileges" of Marriage
- Mental Health Counselor Amazed at Lack of Concern for Donor-Conceived Children's Rights
Marriage & Politics:
- Gacek on Seeking the Real Obama on Marriage
- HRC: NOM has made marriage a 2012 GOP litmus test
- Misleading SSM poll touted by Indiana D's paid for by Indiana Equality Action
Marriage Resources & Debate:
International News:
- Controversial UK Equality Commission May Soon Be Forced to Undergo Reform
- British Parents Object to Graphic Sex Ed for Grade Schoolers in Name of Tolerance
- Michael Casey on "The puzzle of intolerant tolerance" (Australia)
Just for Fun:
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