A press release from NY Senator Ruben Diaz on how his opponents speak about him and his family (we've obviously bleeped the profanities):
The Office of New York State Senator Reverend Ruben Diaz (D-Bronx) has been made aware of vicious threats that appear today on Twitter by opponents of Senator Diaz’s upcoming May 15th Rally to Protect Marriage in New York State.
VITALisBROOKLYN: Is it wrong that I wanna track down Ruben Diaz Daughter and **** the **** out of her on tape. Then show it to him?
Anti_Cupyd: Nope RT @ViTALisBROOKLYN: Is it wrong that I wanna track down Ruben Diaz Daughter and **** the **** out of her on tape. Then show it to him?
Senator Reverend Diaz stated: “I sickens me that a mentality filled with vicious hatred for me and my family continues to flourish in the hearts and minds of people who are trying to change New York’s marriage laws to include homosexual marriage. There is nothing peaceful or caring about the people who make these threats nor the death threats that I have previously received and reported. This is NOT how any democracy in the United States should function.”
These threats have been reported to the Albany Police and to the FBI.