A Canadian Hero Emerges


Patrick Craine reports from Canada about Sportsnet firing Damian Goddard after he used his personal twitter account to express his views on marriage:

One of Canada’s leading TV sports broadcasters fired one of its anchors Wednesday after he voiced support for true marriage on Twitter.

Damian Goddard, the now-former host of “Connected” on Rogers Sportsnet, had tweeted his support of Burlington hockey agent Todd Reynolds, who created a stir this week when he criticized New York Rangers hockey star Sean Avery for shooting a TV ad backing gay “marriage.”

Sportsnet had distanced themselves from the comments on their own Twitter account.  They announced Wednesday that Goddard had been fired and did not specify the reasons.

... Nevertheless, Goddard is standing by the comments.  “In terms of what I said, I stand by it,” he told the Toronto Star. “I’m a devout Roman Catholic. It’s not about hate at all.”