This Is About Our Children...


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Dear Marriage Supporter,

With the birth of my 8th child imminent, I am reflecting a lot these days on the hopes and dreams I have for my children.

I hope they are happy and healthy, of course. And I also hope that they grow up to become men and women of strong faith, high ideals and sound principles.

I'm sure Holly Pope has similar hopes and dreams for her son, Dakota. I know she puts a lot of time and effort into teaching her son to be strong and stand up for his faith and his principles.

So you can imagine the empathy I have for Holly when I watch her and her son tell their story: as a high school freshman, Dakota was suspended from school for answering a friend's question about Christianity's teaching on homosexuality!

Click here to watch Dakota's story.

Marriage Supporter, this is the reality we are facing in the fight to defend marriage. Students are getting suspended for standing up for traditional marriage. Bullied. People are getting fired and put on leave from their jobs. Business owners are getting sued. Professional licenses are being revoked. Christian service agencies are being forcibly shut down.

This is not a live-and-let-live proposition. No, this is an all-out assault on our sacred religious and constitutional values . . . and we can't afford to lose!

Please, click here to watch our latest video chronicling the victims of the intolerance of those pushing a same-sex marriage agenda.

And if you can, please make a confidential donation to support our efforts to educate the citizens of our great nation about the consequences of legalizing same-sex marriage. We have a small window to make a dramatic impact for marriage, and thanks to a generous matching grant, every dollar raised between now and Election Day will be tripled! Please make a generous gift today!

Contributions or gifts to the National Organization for Marriage, a 501(c)(4) organization, are not tax-deductible. The National Organization for Marriage does not accept contributions from business corporations, labor unions, foreign nationals, or federal contractors; however, it may accept contributions from federally registered political action committees. Donations may be used for political purposes such as supporting or opposing candidates. No funds will be earmarked or reserved for any political purpose.

This message has been authorized and paid for by the National Organization for Marriage, 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20006, Brian Brown, President. This message has not been authorized or approved by any candidate.