Tony Perkins on The Frum Flip Flop


Tony Perkins in FRC's Washington Update:

David Frum is a writer who, in 1997, engaged in a spirited online debate with homosexual writer Andrew Sullivan over the topic of homosexual "marriage." In over 5,500 words of text, Frum was articulate, cogent, and compelling in his opposition to radically redefining marriage, saying that "this request isn't just misplaced, but is actually logically impossible." Now, however, Frum has changed his mind. In a short CNN op-ed last week, he wrote that "the case against same-sex marriage has been tested against reality. The case has not passed its test."

Tested? Only five out of the fifty states (soon to be six, when New York's new marriage law takes effect) and the District of Columbia currently allow same-sex "marriage." Of those, only one (Massachusetts) has had it for more than three years. It's ludicrous to think this provides enough data to tell us definitively what the institution of marriage and the American family would look like, say, fifty years from now if the U.S. Supreme Court mandates legalization of homosexual "marriage" in all fifty states (as would be the case if U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker's decision from last year is upheld). It took a generation for the devastation wrought by the public policy of no-fault divorce to become clear. Homosexual "marriage" did not initiate the separation of lifelong commitment, marriage, sex, procreation, and parenthood--which were once viewed as normally a package (occurring in that order). But redefining marriage would affirm the institution's deconstruction, when it desperately needs to be reconstructed instead. Frum knew this in 1997. Sadly, his decline to political correctness is more likely the result of peer pressure from the self-styled intellectual elites than from the evidence of any "test."