Breaking News: New York Judge Rules Lawsuit Alleging Abuses in SSM Bill's Passage May Proceed


An update from New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms:

The Honorable Robert Wiggins, Livingston County Supreme Court Judge, has upheld New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms' (NYCF) right to present evidence questioning the legality of the process and procedure whereby same-sex "marriage" became law in New York.

The State Attorney General's office filed court papers seeking to dismiss New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms v. New York State Senate, the suit brought by NYCF and other plaintiffs that could overturn New York's same-sex "marriage" law, but Judge Wiggins' decision soundly denied that action.

Rev. Jason J. McGuire, NYCF's Executive Director and a plaintiff in the suit, said, "I'm grateful that Judge Wiggins carefully weighed the arguments and agreed that this case has sufficient merit to move forward."

The Liberty Counsel's Rena Lindevaldsen did a masterful job representing NYCF's concerns with the illegality of the process surrounding New York's passage of gay "marriage" legislation. Lindevaldsen said, "The judiciary is the only check left. We are not challenging Senate rules, but seeking a check and balance on an out-of-control legislature."