Over 60 Christian Leaders Tell Chick-fil-A: We're With You


The Christian Post:

More than 60 leaders of Christian and pro-family organizations signed a letter extending their support for Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy and his biblical position on family.

"We represent some of the largest policy and faith-based organizations in the country, and we are encouraging our members to 'eat mor chikin,'" the joint letter dated Aug. 6 states.

...In a note of encouragement to Cathy, Christian leaders including Mathew Staver of Liberty Counsel, Tom McClusky of Family Research Council Action, the Rev. Samuel Rodriguez of the Hispanic Evangelical Association, and Dr. Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission commended the Chick-fil-A president for his faithfulness to biblical values.

"As you are likely aware, biblical values and companies that support them are under attack. It is incredibly important for successful men like you, representing a national brand, to unapologetically stand for God's truth as revealed in the Scriptures," they wrote in their letter. "The example of Chick-fil-A and your leadership has encouraged many.

"We hope and pray that you receive the blessings of the Lord for your faithfulness. You and Chick-Fil-A are in our thoughts and prayers."