New Polls Show We're Within Striking Distance of Victory in Maine! Game On!


Over at my personal blog I explain the excitement we pro-marriage warriors are feeling over these new polls out of Maine, and how we plan to win in November:

"...This fight is so far following the trajectory of other state marriage referendums. Prop 8, for instance, was trailing in the polls by 18 points six weeks before the vote, but won by 4 points on election day. In other words, state votes on marriage begin with gay marriage leading in the polls, losing support closer to election day, and finally losing on election day -- why? Because someone along the way helps them understand and be proud of their pro-marriage views.

YOU are called to be that someone!

If you live in Maine you need to make sure you are registered to vote, and if you have friends and family who live in Maine, you need to talk to them right now about the importance of protecting marriage." --AmericanPapist