RI Power Player: NOM's Christopher Plante


GoLocalProv interviewed NOM regional director Chris Plante as part of their "power player" series -- read it for yourself!

Take us through a day in your life.

Usually breakfast with my wife and kids; In the office by 8:00 a.m.; Review and Respond to overnight emails; Review GoLocalProv, the Providence Journal , and Local Blogs -- of course!; Review and update social media platforms; Usually a national level conference call to discuss the status of marriage in other states -- our efforts are part of the national coalition effort to protect marriage; Meetings with various grassroots leaders; Depending on the day, media communications; Preparing for a variety of public speaking events; home hopefully in time for dinner with my family!

Tell us something nobody knows about you.

I am a Jane Austen Fan and my favorite film is Pride and Prejudice, the BBC production from 1996 (the long 6 hour version!)

More tidbits (and substantial items) here.

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