Dear Marriage Supporter,
The gay marriage bill introduced last week in the Delaware legislature is being voted on TOMORROW!
Please take action right away! Click here to contact your legislators TODAY and tell them to respect the historic and common sense understanding of marriage as the union of one man and one woman by voting NO on House Bill 75!
The Delaware state Constitution does NOT offer citizens the right to overrule legislators through a voter initiative or constitutional amendment referendum. With nearly 2-1 Democratic majorities in both houses of the legislature and Governor Markell putting intense political pressure on Democratic members, we need your help right away to stop this bill from passing!
Supporter, with your help, we CAN stop same-sex marriage from coming to Delaware!
Please take a few minutes to make your voice heard today.
Your message will be immediately sent to your state Senator and Representative, urging them to stand up and protect marriage and religious liberty.
As you know, we've heard that same-sex marriage bills were "inevitable" and "sure things" before. And—when the citizens who respect and value marriage stand up—we've been able to stop them!
The incredibly misnamed "Civil Marriage Equality and Religious Freedom Act of 2013" is anything but... under this proposed legislation the only religious "protection" offered is to exempt clergy from being forced to perform same-sex weddings. No individual conscience protections are offered for people who don't recognize same-sex "marriages." No protections for business owners from being sued.
As if we need any more reminders why this is such a crucial issue and a critical moment for our State, news from up north gives us the latest terrible example of what happens where marriage is redefined. Christian News reports:
A recent anti-bullying presentation at a middle school in New York that focused on homosexuality and gender identity has angered parents after their daughters have come home to tell them they were forced to ask another girl for a kiss.
During the workshop for girls, the 13 and 14-year-olds were told to ask one another for a kiss. They were also taught words such as "pansexual" and "genderqueer."
Parents were not given any advance notice about this instruction, nor afforded the opportunity to opt their kids out of it. This is what's at stake: our right to raise our children with our values!
Everywhere that same-sex "marriage" has been made the law of the land, we have immediately seen Christians and other people of faith put in the crosshairs. Don't let that happen in Delaware!
Please take action right away!
Thank you.