(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – Cummins, Inc. a large manufacturing company headquartered in Columbus Indiana, sent an executive to testify against a state marriage amendment, claiming it would impede the company's ability to compete in the global marketplace and threaten legislators that the company would not expand jobs in Indiana if it passed. Today, in response to Cummins, Inc.’s outrageous testimony, the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) placed a full-sized ad in the Columbus Republic, issuing the following statement:
"Why would a big corporation like Cummins, Inc. try to keep the people of Indiana from voting on marriage? There is zero evidence that gay marriage helps, or state marriage amendments affect economic growth--as Cummins, Inc ought to know because they've just announced plans to expand in a state that has a marriage amendment," said Brian Brown, President of NOM. "We don't know why Cummins, Inc. would embarrass itself by making a claim like that, but we can tell you one thing: gay marriage is not an economic development plan and if your leaders think otherwise, your state's economy is in trouble," added Brown.
"Four of the five top states with job growth have marriage amendments and none have gay marriage," said Maggie Gallagher, Chairman of NOM, who authored the column reproduced in the Columbus Republic, "The small number of very liberal northeastern states who have embraced gay marriage tend to have high per capita incomes in part because job growth is so low that young families move out of state--most likely to a state with a marriage amendment and more robust economic growth."
See NOM's ad here: