Jennifer Braceras wrote this op-ed in the Boston Herald:
Pay attention parents! It’s spring. And before you know it, Massachusetts public schools will begin their yearly sex-ed lessons for kids as young as 5.
Of course, they won’t call it “sex ed.” They’ll call it “health.” But a rose by any other name is still a rose.
She tells several stories relating to her experience of having two young girls in public school:
... rather than expose my child [No. 1] to some half-truth in the name of political correctness, or a sex-ed lesson she was not yet ready to learn, I pulled her out.
But, as you might have guessed, child No. 2 was not so easily distracted.
“Mom, everyone says we are learning about HIV tomorrow. What’s HIV, and how come you don’t want me to hear about it?” Thanks, public schools, for opening up that can of worms!
I can only hope that by the time my last two kids reach the third grade our town will have dispensed with this nonsense. But that is unlikely.
Indeed, when specifically asked why the school presents lessons on HIV in the third grade, rather than in middle school, one school administrator made this shocking admission:
“The goal is to reach kids before they absorb their parents’s values. By middle school it’s too late.”