ILLINOIS MARRIAGE ALERT: Tell your State Senator to Vote NO on SSM!


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Dear Friends of Marriage,

Same-sex marriage supporters are trying to push a gay marriage bill through the Illinois Senate!
Make your voice heard today! Tell your Senator to vote NO on SB 2468.

Use this link to send an email to your state senator.
Click here to look up your senator's phone number.

Tell your senator we don't want gay marriage taught in Illinois schools. We don't want to put religious service providers like adoption agencies out of business because of their religious beliefs. We don't want gay marriage forced on Illinois residents, whether we like it or not!

It's time to let the people of Illinois settle this issue, rather than having it negotiated in backroom deals by special interest groups in Springfield.

Take action TODAY!

And then please forward this email to at least three friends -- our legislators need to hear from all of us today!


Brian BrownBrian S. Brown
Executive Director
National Organization for Marriage
20 Nassau Street, Suite 242
Princeton, NJ 08542
[email protected]
©2010 National Organization for Marriage.

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