Dear Friends of Marriage,
It's primary season, and NOM is leading the charge to expose the RINOs.
As you know, RINO means "Republican in Name Only" and if you were to look it up in the dictionary, you'd likely find the picture of former Congressman Tom Campbell. Campbell is a supporter of higher income taxes, higher gas taxes and gay marriage. During the Prop 8 campaign, he actually wrote an op-ed urging voters to reject Proposition 8. Fortunately, over 7 million California voters, including more than 80% of Republicans, ignored him.
Campbell is now running for the US Senate from California. With a record like his, you'd be right to think that he was running as a Democrat. After all, his position on higher taxes and gay marriage mirror those of Barbara Boxer - one of the most notorious uber-liberals in the Senate.
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But Campbell is running in the Republican primary, against two strong, pro-marriage conservatives, Carly Fiorina and Chuck DeVore. Campbell wants to fool Republican voters that he would be a different kind of Senator from Barbara Boxer, but his record on taxes and gay marriage says otherwise.
That's why NOM has launched a $500,000 campaign in California to expose Tom Campbell. We are running a powerful television ad that points out that Tom Campbell and Barbara Boxer are really two peas in the same liberal pod. The ad documents that Campbell and Boxer both support increasing income taxes on Californians, favor raising the gasoline tax, support gay marriage and opposed Proposition 8. The ad says, "It's time for conservative leadership."
After you watch the ad, please click on the star rating in the upper left corner of the ad (or click here to go directly to YouTube). This will take you to the YouTube website where you can rate the ad. Liberal groups are already trying to discredit the ad with negative ratings - help fight back with positive ratings and comments of your own!
Republicans in California are legitimately excited about the prospects of defeating Barbara Boxer, arguably the most liberal member of the United States Senate. The election of conservative Republicans in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts shows that the nation craves a change in direction. But Tom Campbell would rob California Republicans of a conservative choice and virtually guarantee that Barbara Boxer will be reelected. On critical issues like taxes and gay marriage, there is no difference between the two.
This powerful new campaign is a continuation of NOM's aggressive leadership to expose liberal pro-same-sex marriage Republicans. NOM helped lead the effort to derail the candidacy of Dede Scozzafava in New York's 23rd Congressional District last November. Scozzafava was so discredited as a result of NOM's effort and that of other groups that she was forced to withdraw from the race.
Please help us continue our efforts to elect pro-marriage candidates and expose liberal RINO Republicans. Forward our new ad exposing Tom Campbell to all your friends, family and associates.
NOM has become the trusted source for information on where candidates stand on marriage. With your support, we can ensure that voters in key races all over the country know who is standing for true, one man/one woman marriage, and who is with liberal gay marriage backers. After victories in marriage battles in 31 states (and no defeats!), we know that supporting traditional marriage is a winning issue. Please help us make sure that voters have the facts before them when they go to the polls in 2010.
Executive Director
National Organization for Marriage
20 Nassau Street, Suite 242
Princeton, NJ 08542
[email protected]