Ken Shepherd of NewsBusters:
"Gallagher deserved an apology for Roberts's unprofessional antics and baseless accusations. She didn't get one and perhaps is one to let the slights roll off her back. That's her prerogative, but we reserve the right to call Roberts on the carpet for his breach of journalistic integrity."
Christopher Santarelli of The Blaze:
"Roberts is tangled in controversy once again over an interview stunt and comments he made about a scheduled guest, calling further attention to questions regarding journalistic objectivity at MSNBC."
Noah Rothman of Mediate:
"Had Roberts been aware of the mistake, it is unlikely he would have ran with the empty chair. However, his staff should have informed him of the error prior to airing this embarrassing segment. To his credit, Roberts displayed some contrition after the fact, but by then the damage was done."