Local Press Covers NOM and SSM in NY-9


Here's some coverage we missed:

"A powerful group of social conservatives has raised David Weprin's vote to legalize gay marriage in New York State as an issue in the struggling Democrat's bid to succeed former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.)." -- The Washington Current

"The race in NY-9, which Nate Silver predicted last week could conceivably go Republican, began as a referendum on President Obama when Weiner resigned. Despite the economy, it has somewhat surprisingly shaped up instead as a referendum on same-sex marriage..." -- The Village Voice

"Contrary to what the pundits would have you believe, social issues are not only playing a role in this election--they may be deciding it! Without Weprin's support for same-sex "marriage," this race--even in the "bluest of blue districts"--wouldn't even be close. Although Democrats outnumber conservatives 3-to-1, the majority of 9th District is still socially conservative." -- Opposing Views

"The National Organization for Marriage paid for 30,000 robocalls to Jewish homes supporting his opponent, Republican Bob Turner. And online, Weprin’s vote for same-sex marriage has been portrayed as a vote against God – even though Weprin is himself an Orthodox Jew." -- City Hall News

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