Monthly Archives: December 2011

Flip-Flopping Sen. Grisanti Top Democrat Target in 2012

The Buffalo News Politics Now blog:

A Buffalo attorney with strong ties to the Democratic organization established by former Assemblyman Sam Hoyt is polling voters in the 60th Senate District as he explores a candidacy against Republican incumbent Mark J. Grisanti.

Mark P. Panepinto, 47, said he hopes polling results available next week will expedite a process that could lead to his entrance into next November's contest. Grisanti, who upset former Democratic Sen. Antoine M. Thompson in the overwhelmingly Democratic district in 2010, is expected to face a tough re-election challenge after committing to remain a Republican earlier this year.

... The Grisanti seat ranks as one of the top objectives of Senate Democrats for 2012, according to Sen. Michael Gianaris of Queens, chairman of the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee. He has visited Buffalo several times this year to lay the groundwork for the 2012 campaign, and has flatly predicted that Democrats will retake the seat.

Michele Bachmann Says She Wants Marriage Restored in Iowa

New York Daily News:

If it were up to Michele Bachmann, gay marriage would be gone in Iowa.

In an appearance on Fox News Sunday, the conservative GOP candidate slammed a 2009 court decision allowing same-sex marriage in the state.

"Marriage, historically, for all human history has been between a man and a woman. It hasn't been the same-sex marriage," Bachmann said. "And remember that in Iowa, it was judges that made the decision -- not the legislature, which are the people's representatives, and certainly, not the people."

Bachmann argued Iowans are also against gay marriage, pointing to the removal of three out of seven state Supreme Court justices by Iowa voters last year after a conservative campaign blasted the judges for striking down a law restricting marriage to straight couples as a violation of the state constitution.

Update -- here is the video clip:

FRC Video: "The Problem with Same-Sex Marriage"

Via the Manhattan Declaration blog:

"A recent documentary (in conjunction with the Family Research Council) brings to light some of the repercussions that have already begun to arise as a result of the adoption of same-sex marriage."

Prop 8 Legal Update: 9th Circuit Lays Out Plan to Rule on Prop 8

SCOTUSblog with an update:

The Ninth Circuit Court will move directly, without a further public hearing, to rule on two key questions involving the constitutionality of California’s “Proposition 8,” banning same-sex marriage in the state. The Court, in an announcement Wednesday, laid out plans for its Proposition 8 review from this point on. The plans do include two hearings, to be held on Dec. 8, but not on the constitutional questions the Circuit Court now has before it.

The three-judge panel held a hearing on Dec. 6, 2010, on two constitutional disputes surrounding the ballot measure approved by California voters three years ago. Those issues arise in the case of Perry v. Brown (Circuit docket 10-116696).

One is whether Proposition 8 must be struck down under the federal Constitution, and the other is whether the Circuit Court has jurisdiction to rule on that question since an issue has arisen on whether anyone has a legal right to be before the panel. Tomorrow, the panel is to receive new briefs — from each side simultaneously — that will bear on that second question (which, technically, involves the issue of “standing” to appeal under the Constitution’s Article III). The briefs are to discuss the impact of a ruling last month by the state Supreme Court in California bolstering the right — under state law — of the backers of Proposition 8 to go to court to defend their measure against constitutional attack.

Once those new briefs are in, the panel seemed to be indicating by its announcement Wednesday, it will then move on to decide the two constitutional questions. The announcement stressed that “there will be no further argument” in that proceeding. It also emphasized that, up to now, the three-judge panel has not made a final decision on either question.

Bruce Hausknecht of CitizenLink also explains what is happening.

Gov. Cuomo and Sen. Skelos Agree To Let The People Vote ... On Gambling!

We heard time and time again that the people of New York shouldn't be permitted a vote on marriage. Now Andrew Cuomo and the heads of both major parties in Albany are all in agreement: the people deserve to vote ... on casinos:

Legislative leaders are prepared to join Gov. Cuomo in rolling the dice on casino gambling.

A spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos said the Nassau GOPer “is supportive of a constitutional amendment that will let the people decide whether to expand casino gambling in New York State.” Aides for Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver (D-Manhattan) said their boss will also support the legalization of casinos.

... The Daily News reported Thursday that Gov. Cuomo, in a jobs package he will unveil in the coming weeks, will call on the Legislature to approve the amendment.

If the Legislature moves forward, the soonest the public would have a say on a referendum is 2013. -- New York Daily News

Anti-DOMA Republican Ros-Lehtinen Endorses Mitt Romney

The Washington Blade (a gay newspaper):

A Republican U.S. House member known for holding the most pro-LGBT views in her caucus has endorsed former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in his bid for president.

Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.), who also serves as chair of the House Foreign Relations Committee, announced her support for Romney in a statement on Tuesday that also criticized President Obama.

... In September, she became the first Republican to co-sponsor legislation to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act...

... In a statement, Romney thanked Ros-Lehtinen and the Diaz-Balart brothers for supporting his campaign.

“I am proud to be working with Ileana, Mario, and Lincoln,” Romney said. “They’re conservative leaders who will help me articulate my vision to make America more prosperous at home and respected throughout the world.”

Longshot GOP Candidate Gary Johnson Supports Redefining Marriage

A desperate attempt to gain attention now that his campaign has failed to get traction among GOP voters?

Presidential candidate and former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson announced during an on-line Town Hall Thursday night that he supports civil marriage for gay Americans. Having long supported civil unions for gay couples, Johnson’s decision to endorse gay marriage is based on “a great deal of deliberation, discussion with the gay community, and a conclusion that government has no business choosing who should be allowed the benefits of marriage and who should not.” -- Gary Johnson 2012

National Organization For Marriage Thanks Kohl's for Respecting Customers' Choice to Support Marriage

Contact: Mary Beth Hutchins or Elizabeth Ray at 703-683-5004

NOM Logo

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the National Organization for Marriage's (NOM) Corporate Fairness Project applauds Kohl's decision to end their boycott and support its valued customers by reinstating the Charity Giveback Group, allowing customers to give to the charity of their choice.

"Kohl's took a stand today not for or against gay marriage, but for respecting all of their customers' right to make up their own mind on what merchandise they purchase and which charities to support. Refusing to cooperate with the boycott of Charity Giveback Group demonstrates a respect for all sides in this public debate," said Jonathan Baker, director of NOM's Corporate Fairness Project.
The Charity Giveback Group is an online marketing company that directs customers through its website to hundreds of different online retailers, and those retailers then pay the Charity Giveback Group a commission for purchases made through the marketer. The Charity Giveback Group, in an effort to attract business, shares the commission they receive for the customer's purchase with the customer by allowing them to donate a portion of the commission to one of over 179,000 different charities. Some LGBT activists called for a boycott of corporations that permit their customers to purchase through Charity Giveback Group, on the false grounds the corporation was thus donating to nonprofits that support traditional Biblical views on sex and marriage.

"When Kohl's recognized the charge was false, they did the responsible thing, reinstating the Charity Giveback Group, thus demonstrating respect for all Americans by offering their customers' freedom of choice; kudos to the company for acting as a fair and responsible corporate citizen," added Brian Brown, president of NOM.

The response from Kohl's, after hearing from NOM, was sent in a letter on Monday, December 5, where a representative from Kohl's wrote, “We have reviewed the status of Connection Plus Network and made the decision to reinstate it as an affiliate.”

To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray, [email protected], (x130) or Mary Beth Hutchins,[email protected], (x105) at 703-683-5004.


NYTimes: "After Pushing Gay Marriage, Cuomo Is Thanked With Money"

Thomas Kaplan of the New York Times, who quotes our own President Brian Brown:

In the aftermath of New York’s legalization of same-sex marriage this summer, gay men and lesbians lionized Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, showering him with gratitude, praise and awards. Now, they are rewarding him with something more tangible: campaign cash.

... The Los Angeles reception follows four fund-raising events in New York in the last seven months that drew heavily on supporters of same-sex marriage.

... The four Republican state senators who provided the critical votes to pass the marriage equality act have also raised money from the gay community in recent months. Opponents of same-sex marriage have fiercely criticized them for that fund-raising, saying the Republicans had sold out their principles for a promise of campaign contributions.

Brian S. Brown, the president of the National Organization for Marriage, which opposes same-sex marriage, said he did not have the same objection to Mr. Cuomo’s fund-raising, because the governor had made his stance clear. But Mr. Brown said that it was important for New York voters to know that Mr. Cuomo was “now getting his payoff,” and that the governor was eagerly raising money “on his radical social agenda.”

“Clearly a lot of money was at stake for Governor Cuomo,” he said. “He’s now trying to get as much money in his coffers for forcing this through as he can.”

Mr. Cuomo’s advocacy for same-sex marriage was so forceful that he is now being asked to defend his tactics in court; last month, a state court judge questioned what he called Mr. Cuomo’s “arm-twisting” of the Legislature on the issue.

Major Canadian Paper Demands Catholic Schools Welcome Gay-Straight Clubs

Catholic Culture World News:

A leading Canadian newspaper is demanding that the government of Ontario compel Catholic schools, which receive public funding, to allow gay-straight student clubs and alliances.

“The Catholic schools have the right to their beliefs about homosexuality,” according to an editorial in The Globe and Mail,which ranks second among Canadian newspapers in circulation. “But they are public schools and they do not have the right to insist on a second-class status for students who identify as homosexual, or who simply have questions about their identity, or who have gay or lesbian parents. They need to try a little harder to make religious belief and equality work together.”

CitizenLink: The Best Kind of Education Reform? Strengthening Marriages

Candi Cushman at CitizenLink:

...If you look at statistics, it’s clear that one of the best ways to both improve education and alleviate poverty is to promote and strengthen marriages.

A few days ago, CitizenLink reported the heartbreaking results of a study from the Family Research Council’s Marriage and Religion Research Institute: Only 46 percent of children will reach the age of 17 in intact homes with married biological parents. Combine that statistic with the fact that child poverty rates rise as the percentage of intact households falls.

Many people are pointing at falling income levels as a current social issue that hurts our schools. But should they be looking even deeper at the wound beneath the poverty symptom—the unprecedented breakup of families in this nation?

Columnist George Will said it well: “The best predictor of SAT scores is family income, which generally correlates with family structure—two parents in the home. Family structure is pertinent to the 9/91 factor—between their births and their 19th birthdays, children spend 9 percent of their time in school and 91 percent elsewhere. For many children, elsewhere is not an intact family.”

Maggie's Latest Column: Mitt Romney Never Flip-Flopped on Marriage

NOM Co-Founder Maggie Gallagher's most recent column looks at Mitt Romney's record on marriage:

I'm not going to defend Romney from the charge that he has changed his mind -- on abortion he clearly has.

But I do want to take up the one issue I know the most about: same-sex marriage.

Let's compare Romney's and Obama's records of constancy on this one issue, the hot button of all button issues in American politics today.

I'm doing this, in part, because some social conservatives in Iowa appear to have gotten the idea that Mitt Romney is somehow responsible for gay marriage in Massachusetts.

I don't mind anyone criticizing Romney for the things he has done. But this particular attack is grotesquely unfair. I know. I was there.

Continue reading at RealClearPolitics.

Vote For Marriage NC Launched!

The News-Record republishes the press release announcing the launch:

Raleigh — A group of civic and religious leaders have formed a campaign committee to urge North Carolinians to pass the marriage protection amendment next May. Organized under the banner “Vote FOR Marriage NC,” initial members of the Executive Committee include the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, Christian Action League, NC Values Coalition, a coalition of African American pastors, and the National Organization for Marriage (NOM). The group also includes a multitude of other policy organizations, denominations, and civic groups.

“We very much look forward to a dialogue with North Carolina voters about the importance of preserving marriage as the union of one man and one woman,” said Tami Fitzgerald, Executive Director of NC Values Coalition and a founding member of Vote FOR Marriage NC. “The marriage amendment ensures that voters and not activist judges will decide the definition of marriage in our state. Marriage as the union of one man and one woman has served North Carolina well since before we were a state, and it’s time we respected the institution of marriage enough to protect it in our state constitution.”

Local Press: Coalition Formed to Fight SSM in Maryland

Southern Maryland Online:

A number of organizations announced the creation of a new interfaith coalition on Wednesday that will oppose same-sex marriage during the 2012 legislative session in Annapolis.

A bill to legalize same-sex marriage was narrowly defeated in 2011. Both sides started preparing immediately for 2012, and vowed to return more organized and with increased support. Gov. Martin O'Malley has promised to take a more prominent role and will sponsor a bill legalizing same-sex marriage.

But members of the Maryland Marriage Alliance believe that marriage should be defined solely as a union between one woman and one man, and that protecting traditional marriage is vital for society.

"Our nation has thrived on the fabric of the family," said Pastor Joel Peebles of Jericho City of Praise in Landover.

The group is recruiting interfaith religious leaders and community members who will urge their legislators to vote against the legalization of gay marriage. The Maryland Marriage Alliance is led by Pastor Derek McCoy, executive director of the Maryland Family Alliance.

New York Attorney General: Same-Sex Marriage Legal, Despite What Judge Says

Not exactly an argument - just a declaration:

State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is confident New York’s same-sex marriage law is legal – despite what any upstate judge has to say.

Schneiderman said he disagreed with Tuesday’s ruling by acting Livingston County Supreme Court Judge Robert Wiggins - which allowed a lawsuit brought by gay marriage opponents to move forward – but has not decided whether to file an appeal.

“The important thing for everyone to make clear… is that the marriage equality law is validly in place,” Schneiderman said.

Wiggins, in his ruling, said arm-twisting by Gov. Cuomo “permeates this entire process” and raised the possibility that a private meeting Cuomo held with Senate Republicans prior to the marriage vote could have violated the state’s Open Meetings Law.

“We disagree with the court’s interpretation of the [law],” Schneiderman told reporters Wednesday.

“We’re reviewing the decision,” he added. “Exactly what we do next has not been determined, but I am confident that this will work its way through the appellate process and I’m confident that our position on the Open Meetings Law will be upheld.” -- New York Daily News