Monthly Archives: January 2013

National Organization for Marriage Pledges To Defeat Any Republican Legislator in Illinois Who Votes For Gay 'Marriage'


Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004)

NOM Demands that State GOP Chair Pat Brady Resign or Be Removed

National Organization for Marriage

Washington, D.C. — The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today pledged to form an Illinois state PAC and spend $250,000 defeating Republican legislators who vote in support of same-sex 'marriage' in Illinois, just like the group successfully did in New York. The group also called on state Republican Chairman Pat Brady to resign or be removed from office for violating the national GOP platform and urging state Republicans to redefine marriage.

"Any Republican in Illinois who betrays the cause of marriage will be casting a career-ending vote and will be held accountable to their constituents," said Brian Brown, NOM's president. "We will spend whatever it takes — hundreds of thousands of dollars if necessary — to remove them from office, just as we did three of the four turncoat Republican state Senators in New York who were responsible for gay 'marriage' passing there. We will not hesitate to support pro-family Democrats to replace them, as our record in New York proves."

In New York, same-sex marriage narrowly passed the state senate after four Republicans and two Democrats changed their votes in response to promises of campaign cash from gay marriage activists. NOM targeted all seven for defeat, and was successful in removing five of them, replacing them in 2012 with pro-family Senators. As numerous media have reported, including the New York Times, "As four Republican state senators, one by one, agreed to break with their party and cast a politically risky vote to legalize same-sex marriage last year, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and gay-rights advocates vowed to do everything in their power to protect them against political retribution. But when the Legislature returns to Albany next month, only one of those four senators will be among those sworn into office." ("Costly Toll for Republicans Who Voted for Gay Marriage")

In addition to supporting challengers to the four Republicans, NOM also supported pro-family Democrats, helping to re-elect Senator Ruben Diaz and electing a pro-marriage Democrat to unseat Senator Shirley Huntley in the Democratic primary. "Marriage is not a partisan issue," Brown said. "We will stand with pro-family legislators regardless of party affiliation when they stand up for true marriage."

NOM also demanded that state GOP Chairman Pat Brady resign his position, or be removed by Republican delegates as Brady called on GOP legislators to redefine marriage. Brady's position violates the strong pro-marriage plank of the Republican National Committee Platform, and is contrary to the position of every major GOP candidate for president in 2012.

"Pat Brady is unfit to continue as Chair of the state Republican Party and should immediately resign or be removed from office," Brown said. "We urge all donors to cease supporting the Republican Party in Illinois until Brady is removed from his position. His betrayal of Republican principles is unforgiveable and violates the trust of Illinois Republicans. Moreover, it will directly lead to the defeat of any GOP officeholder who follows his lead, as the experience in New York showed."

NOM called on GOP donors to instead direct their financial support to NOM or to other pro-family groups in Illinois.


To schedule an interview with Brian Brown, President of the National Organization for Marriage, please contact Elizabeth Ray (x130), [email protected], or Jen Campbell (x145), [email protected], at 703-683-5004.

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

1,700 Faith Communities in Illinois Issue Letter Opposing Gay Marriage

An extraordinary show of support for true marriage by a wide spectrum of faith communities in Illinois:

Pastoral leaders representing more than 1,700 faith communities in Illinois – parishes, congregations, churches and Friday prayer locations and Masjids – have signed a letter sent to Illinois lawmakers, urging them to safeguard both marriage and religious freedom by rejecting any legislative efforts to redefine marriage

The faith leaders note that traditional marriage “is the natural order embracing the complementary physical, emotional and spiritual design of men and women.”

They also warn that simply not being forced to preside over same-sex marriages does nothing to protect religious freedom as guaranteed in the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The proposed legislation falls far short of protecting the rights of churches and individuals to freely exercise their religious beliefs and abide their consciences, they note.

“If marriage is redefined in civil law, individuals and religious organizations – regardless of deeply held beliefs – will be compelled to treat same-sex unions as the equivalent of marriage in their lives, ministries and operations,” they write.

All 177 state lawmakers will receive a copy of the letter personally addressed to him/her. Read the entire letter here.

The signees of the letter represent a diversity of faiths, including the Anglican Church in North America, the Catholic Church, the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, as well as individual Baptist and Evangelical churches. (ILCatholic)

Gay Marriage To Be Pushed as Amendment to Car Rental Bill

Not only is gay marriage being pushed during the lame duck session, it is being pushed as an amendment to a totally unrelated bill:

Illinois Senators may be voting on marriage equality as early as this morning, after backers of bill changed course and tacked marriage equality onto another bill already scheduled for vote.Illinois Senators will no longer be voting on the Religious Freedom and Marriage Fairness Act, a bill that LGBT leaders had been working for months to gain support on. Instead, the legalization of gay marriage had been added as a Senate amendment to HB4963, a bill that deals with automobile rentals and the Collateral Recovery Act, according to Equality Illinois CEO Bernard Cherkasov.

The move comes after Senate Democrats failed to secure enough votes to waive a 24-hour rule on the posting of the bill Wednesday night. That could have delayed a vote on marriage a day or more.

The amendment will allow the Senate to vote on the bill as early as 11 a.m. this morning.

"Everything can change at a moment's notice," said Cherkasov. "It's still absolutely crucial that people contact their lawmakers." (Windy City Media Group)

Indeed, please contact your lawmakers right away!

Illinois Gay Marriage Bill Suffers First Setback

Redefined marriage is not a done deal in Illinois! This news is a good reminder that all of our hard work is required to protect marriage:

A bid to legalize gay marriage in Illinois suffered an unexpected setback Wednesday when supporters fell two votes shy of getting the legislative hearing they wanted, meaning no Senate vote on the measure until Thursday at the earliest.

The 28-24 procedural vote showed the razor-thin margins surrounding the contentious issue and clearly caught backers off-guard, thwarting their plan to advance the measure to the Senate floor Wednesday night.

"It's a little bit too soon to conclude it was a fatal blow," said Rikeesha Phelon, spokeswoman for Senate President John Cullerton (D-Chicago).

Late Wednesday, Phelon said the measure would be voted on by the Senate Executive Committee early Thursday.

Earlier in the day, supporters moved to waive a six-day waiting period set out in Senate rules to get the measure heard in committee Wednesday night, but key absences among Democratic supporters and unified GOP opposition torpedoed the effort. -- Chicago Sun Times

Don't let up now!

URGENT: Make a Quick Phone Call to Protect Marriage Today!

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

As the legislature returns to Springfield, powerful elites—from Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel to President Obama himself—are pressing lawmakers to approve a measure that would redefine marriage and jeopardize the rights of religious believers across the state.

While most citizens in the Land of Lincoln have been celebrating the Christmas and New Year holidays, gay marriage activists have been busy contacting legislators and lobbying in support of SSM.

The bill is now scheduled for a Senate committee vote as early as this evening.

Have you contacted your state senator and representative yet?

If you haven't, then please use this link to send your state lawmakers a message today. It only takes a minute, and it is vitally important that they hear from you right away!

Even better would be a phone call, if you have the time to spare. Letting your voice be heard by your elected legislators is the best way to ensure that they get the marriage loud and clear: the people of Illinois do not want marriage redefined!

So, even if you have already sent your email message (thank you!), please take a moment to make two short phone calls today as well.

The Democratic leadership in Springfield is trying to railroad this bill through during the lame duck session. Our best chance to stop this measure is to get the word out, prompting a massive groundswell of opposition from every corner of the state.

So please call your legislators right now, and then help us spread the word, using the buttons below to post this email to Facebook and Twitter, and forward it to all of your friends and family across the state. Together, we can resist this radical legislative action and all of the disastrous consequences it would entail—but only if we act right away!

Facebook ThisTweet ThisEmail This

I know I can count on you to help. Thank you!

Cardinal George of Chicago Urges Catholics to Take Action to Protect Marriage in Illinois

The Chicago Tribune:

Chicago's Cardinal Francis George and his six auxiliary bishops officially entered Illinois' gay marriage fray Tuesday, issuing a letter that urges parishioners to contact state legislators and voice opposition to a legalization bill that could face a vote this week.

"Civil laws that establish 'same-sex marriage' create a legal fiction," George and the bishops wrote in a letter sent to priests Tuesday. "The state has no power to create something that nature itself tells us is impossible."

... While traditional marriage advocates have cited Scripture as the basis of their objections to civil unions and gay marriage, Roman Catholic leaders have been highlighting their belief that same-sex relationships violate natural law.

According to the tradition of natural law, every human being must seek a fundamental "good" that corresponds to the natural order to flourish. Natural-law proponents say heterosexual intercourse between a married man and a woman serves two intertwined good purposes: to procreate and to express a deep, abiding love. For that reason, they say, homosexual relationships are not equal to heterosexual ones.

You can take action and contact your lawmakers here.