Urgent and Timely for National Marriage Week USA (Feb. 7-14)

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

We want you to know about a positive campaign to help marriages. This week leading up to Valentine's Day is National Marriage Week USA (Feb. 7-14), which focuses solely on reducing divorce, promoting marriage over cohabitation, and promoting marriage prior to childbearing — for better outcomes of raising children, and to reduce poverty.

In just its fourth year, there are 1,000 marriage classes, conferences and events being mobilized across the country, with huge potential for growth each year. You may find an event near you or post (for free) any marriage education activity that you are hosting at any time of year at

Local stories include creative ideas, such as a group in Kankakee County, Illinois, which is setting up a booth in a shopping mall from February 7 to14, offering free marriage counseling services. A team in the Chicago area is mobilizing hundreds of Date Night events. A Louisiana group is seeking its state's top 10 longest married couples to be publicized as was last year's honoree couple, who were married for 81 years! A Sweetheart Dinner and Dance in Ohio will offer a renewal of vows ceremony. Marriage tips and more stories are also at

It has been long proven that children fare best at every level if they can grow up with both their father and mother. Since more than 40 percent of U.S. babies today are born out of wedlock (which is the greatest predictor of poverty for women and children), and we have an alarming drop in marriage rates — nearly 80% of all adults were married in 1970, only 52% today — the need is greater than ever for a positive effort to promote a vibrant marriage culture in America.

The Brookings Institution says that if the U.S. had the marriage rate today that it had in 1970, there would be a 25 percent drop in poverty. The Heritage Foundation says that marriage drops the probability of a child living in poverty by 82 percent.

National Marriage Week USA encourages citizens, organizations, and houses of worship to launch marriage education classes and events, to list them on the National Calendar at, and encourages individuals to find an event near them to help their own marriage, or help others.

There is a Tool Kit with easy-to-use ideas for curricula, videos, links to the latest research, talking points, and media tools to help leaders or churches build a local marriage week campaign at

Please consider joining this helpful and hopeful national effort for a positive campaign to help marriages, reduce poverty, and to reach out and help others! To learn more during this year's event week, and to be kept informed leading into next year's efforts, please LIKE this project on Facebook or Register at

Victory for Marriage Supporters in Hawaii!

Thank you, all of you, for taking action! We've scored another victory for marriage:

"The [Hawaii] state House Judiciary Committee has decided not to schedule a hearing for a bill that would legalize gay marriage, which means the issue is likely tabled for this legislative session.

State Rep. Karl Rhoads, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said that after polling his colleagues he determined there was not the political will for a gay-marriage bill this session." (Star Advertiser)

Please take a moment and contact your representatives to thank them for standing strong for marriage!

Rick Warren to Appear at Georgetown Today

Our apologies for the late notice:

Rick Warren on Religious Freedom - A Conversation

Gaston Hall, Georgetown University

Does religious freedom help societies flourish? Does the freedom of religious individuals and institutions to put their faith into practice make a difference to the economic and political well-being of the world's people, especially the very poorest? As legal controversy swirls around religious freedom in America and Europe with the Obamacare contraception mandate and battles over gay marriage, the broader social dimensions of religious freedom are often forgotten. A recent Pew Forum report showed that 75 percent of people in the world live in nations where religious liberty is severely restricted. Those nations are highly vulnerable to extremism, social discord, poverty, and corruption.

You may RSVP here.

Rhode Island Voters Overwhelmingly Support Voting on Definition of Marriage

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 12, 2013
Contact: Christopher Plante (401-228-7602)

Statewide Survey Shows 78% Want Voters to Decide Issue of Marriage

National Organization for Marriage

Providence, RI — A new statewide survey of Rhode Island voters shows that 78 percent of voters believe that they should have the right to vote on the definition of marriage, just as voters in 35 other states have been able to do. The survey also found that nearly three-quarters of voters in Rhode Island believe that marriage should be decided by voters, and not the General Assembly. The survey of 401 randomly-selected Rhode Island voters was conducted by QEV Analytics from January 31 through February 2 nd and has a margin of error of +/- 4.9 percent. The National Organization for Marriage Rhode Island chapter sponsored the survey.

"The issue before the Rhode Island General Assembly is who gets to decide the definition of marriage in our state," said Christopher Plante, executive director of NOM Rhode Island. "Nearly three-quarters of voters, 74%, believe that the definition of marriage should be decided by voters while only 20% think the issue should be decided by the General Assembly. When informed that voters in 35 other states have been able to vote on the definition of marriage, 78% of voters say that Rhode Island deserves that same opportunity. The Rhode Island General Assembly should put a referendum on the ballot giving voters the ability to decide this issue."

The survey also found that only 25% of voters think that Governor Lincoln Chafee has done an excellent or good job as governor, while 66% of voters think he has done only a fair or poor job. Further, regardless of their position on same-sex marriage a strong majority of voters (55%) say that the General Assembly should address Rhode Island’s economic crisis before considering the marriage issue.

"These survey results are very consistent with prior surveys in Rhode Island going back to 2009 and reinforce the clear fact that voters in our state want the right to vote on marriage," said Plante. "The General Assembly should focus on economic issues and give the people the right to vote on marriage; just as voters in 35 other states have been able to do. The General Assembly has afforded voters the right to vote on issues such as casinos, ports and even the name of our state. How much more important and foundational to society is the definition of marriage."

The complete survey results can be found here.


To schedule an interview with Christopher Plante, Regional Director of the National Organization for Marriage, contact him at 401-228-7602 or [email protected]

Paid for by The National Organization for Marriage, Brian Brown, president. 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006, not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. New § 68A.405(1)(f) & (h).

ACTION: Tell SPLC to Take Down the "Hate Map" Used by FRC Shooter to Target Victims

Becket Adams of The Blaze:

The Family Research Council shooter, Floyd Lee Corkins II, on Wednesday pleaded guilty to charges that include assault with intent to kill and committing an act of terrorism.

Shockingly enough, Corkins told FBI agents that he chose FRC as a target based on the liberal Southern Poverty Law Center’s “hate map.”

In case you were unaware, the Southern Poverty Law Center has designated FRC a “hate group” because of the conservative organization’s position on gay marriage:

It is absolutely extraordinary to me that, as of this writing, almost a week after these revelations have been made public, SPLC has still not taken down their hate map.

This hate map includes at the top a photo of (presumably) neo-nazis in military style gear. If you look on the SPLC Hate Map it lists the Family Research Council (and Traditional Values Coalition) as "Anti-Gay". Click on that link and you see this image:

More faces of hate, more provocation.

But it doesn't end there. The SPLC includes a photo of FRC President Tony Perkins alongside images of graphic, anti-gay imagery that FRC and Tony Perkins has condemned repeatedly!

The SPLC Hate Map is not designed to bring hatred to light. It is designed to instigate hatred against the people it lists.

The SPLC still lists the Family Research Council, which so recently would have been the scene of a human massacre were it not for the heroic actions of the security guard who was shot in the process, on this Hate Map. Even after a killer admitted he used this map to find victims and unleash his own hatred at them with a gun.

SPLC, take down your Hate Map. Ending hatred starts with you.


Breaking News: Pope Benedict XVI to Resign at End of Month, Citing Age, Health

Pope Benedict has been a stalwart defender of the institutions of marriage and family:

In a surprise announcement, Pope Benedict XVI said today that he will resign at the end of the month. The pope said that due to the increased weakness accompanying his advanced age - he is 85 - he feels that he is unable to carry out the duties of his office.

"After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths due to an advanced age are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry," he said in a statement to a meeting of Vatican cardinals.

"I am well aware that this ministry, due to its essential spiritual nature, must be carried out not only by words and deeds but no less with prayer and suffering.

"However, in today's world, subject to so many rapid changes and shaken by questions of deep relevance for the life of faith, in order to govern the barque of Saint Peter and proclaim the Gospel, both strength of mind and body are necessary, strength which in the last few months, has deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to recognize my incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to me."

He is reportedly the first pope to resign in six centuries.

The pope is considered one of the strongest allies of the pro-life and pro-family movements, frequently issuing statements defending the natural family and the right to life from conception until natural death.

He was elected to the papacy on April 19, 2005. (LifeSiteNews)

FOIA Request Reveals Cozy Relationship Between DoJ and SPLC


Documents uncovered from a Freedom of Information Act request show the Obama administration's Department of Justice enjoys a close relationship with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an organization that brands principled opposition to homosexuality “hate.”

The SPLC has built an elaborate fundraising empire by branding mainstream Christian ministries – including the American Family Association, the Family Research Council, and Concerned Women for America – as “hate groups” for opposing homosexuality.

The legal watchdog Judicial Watch filed the request to see what effect SPLC's designation of “hate groups” had on the government. The two-dozen pages of e-mails it received reveal views of DOJ employees that border on adulation.

The department invited co-founder Morris Dees to appear as the featured speaker at a July 31, 2012, “Diversity Training Event.” The Assistant Attorney General's office “wants to take Morris out to lunch” before his simulcast remarks, entitled “With Justice for All,” one e-mail stated.

A “training blurb” stated that the event “qualifies for mandatory annual diversity training.”

“I will pick you [Morris Dees] up at the airport July 30,” DOJ employee Barry Kowalski wrote Dees in an e-mail. “Would you go out to dinner with my wife and me and our two teenage daughters that first night? The girls need some inspiration from a master of inspiration,” he gushed.

Help Make the March for Marriage a Success!

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Thank you for your interest in the March for Marriage!

The National Organization for Marriage is excited to be collaborating a growing list of coalition partners (including groups you may recognize such as The Ruth Institute, The Manhattan Declaration and to ensure that this event is a great success.

We will be in regular communication with you over the upcoming weeks to provide you with the most up-to-date resources and information.

To get started, we would like to enlist your support to help us spread the word about the March and to expand our list of grassroots activists and supporters willing to stand up for marriage and the faith communities that support strong, healthy marriages.

Here are the three things that you can do today to help us prepare for this historic event:

  1. Download this flyer and print out some copies to hand out at your church, bible study group, book club, workplace or campus. Bulletin boards are a great place to start!

  2. If you're interested in volunteering to organize a group to come to the March, please contact our volunteer coordinator via email or call 202-457-8060 ext. 102 for more information.

  3. Forward this email along to your pro-marriage family members and friends, and share it on Facebook and Twitter to help get the word out.

You and marriage supporters just like you will be the key to our success, and we can't thank you enough for your willingness to stand up on behalf of marriage, the rights of voters to protect it, and the well-being of kids, since they deserve the love of both a mom and dad!

And if you haven't already joined our March for Marriage Facebook community (1,400 strong!), please visit the page today and add it to both your news feed and interest lists so that you won't miss upcoming announcements about the March and how you can help. We're actively monitoring the page to ensure it remains a safe and positive place to discuss the March.

With your help, we will send a powerful message on March 26 to our leaders in Washington and across the country that the American people support marriage and believe it is worth protecting and strengthening for the next generation.

I look forward to seeing you in March!

Survey Says: Minnesotans Reject Same-Sex Marriage!

National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

The propaganda from same-sex marriage activists — and their allies in the media — is relentless.

They want you to believe that you are alone, isolated, and that your neighbors and co-workers all support same-sex marriage. They want you to believe that last November's marriage amendment vote means the people of Minnesota support same-sex marriage.

It is time to retire that argument.

A new SurveyUSA poll out this week makes it official: Just 42% of Minnesotans support same-sex marriage. And fifty-four percent say we should leave marriage as it is — the union of a husband and wife.

You and I knew that already . . . but do your state legislators?

Gay marriage advocates are making a strong push to redefine marriage this year. In fact they have hired more than a half-dozen lobbyists to pressure legislators.

We need to make sure legislators know what their constituents really think about marriage.

Here's what I need you to do:

  1. Contact your state senator and representative today! Use this link to send an email to your elected officials, or better still, click here to look up their phone numbers and make a personal phone call to let your senator and representative know: Don't redefine marriage, our only civil institution that connects children with parents. Marriage matters!

  2. Plan to attend the Minnesota for Marriage Lobby Day and Rally which will be held March 7th at the State Capitol from 2pm-5pm (rally starts at 2:30pm).

  3. Finally, please forward this email to friends and family throughout the state, or use the buttons below to share on Facebook and Twitter. It's going to take thousands of Minnesotans like you working together to preserve marriage in Minnesota. Help spread the word today!

    Facebook ThisTweet ThisEmail This

I know I can count on you to help. Thank you for keeping up the momentum!

Weigel on Pope Benedict's Child-Centered Marriage Speech

George Weigel reflects on how Pope Benedict sees marriage as a child-centered institution:

"The biggest losers [when marriage is redefined], though, are children, the pope argued. If children are simply a lifestyle choice in a “family” that is nothing other than a willed arrangement for mutual convenience, children lose their rightful place and their rightful dignity. Citing the chief rabbi of France, Gilles Bernheim, Benedict argued that children are, in this bizarre new world, no longer the subject of rights. Rather, “the child has become an object to which people have a right and which they have a right to obtain.” The freedom to be creative, which finds its most awesome expression in procreation, has been reduced to the freedom to create myself, however I imagine myself to be.

The marriage debate is thus about more than the legal definition of marriage, although that is serious enough. It’s a debate about whether there are any givens in the human condition, or whether willfulness and self-assertion trump reality at every point. If they do, what happens to democracies built on self-evident truths?" (First Things)

UK Children's Minister Sacked For Opposing Gay Marriage

The UK Christian Institute:

Former Government minister Tim Loughton was sacked because of his opposition to redefining marriage, according to reports.

He was removed from his ministerial post in September’s Government reshuffle, and close friends say it was because of his support for keeping marriage as it is.

One Tory MP told the Scotsman newspaper: “Tim was a really good minister whose career was wrecked because of his stance on this issue on a matter of principle.

“It shows that, already, this bill is poisoning the party and destroying careers.”

David Cameron promised that Tory MPs would have a free vote, but behind the scenes a lot of pressure was applied to stop them breaking rank.

Pat Fagan: The Wealth of Nations Depends on the Health of Families

Patrick Fagan is Senior Fellow and Director of the Marriage and Religion Research Institute at the Family Research Council. He writes in  Public Discourse that "Family, church, and school are the three basic people-forming institutions, and it is no wonder that they produce the best results—including economic and political ones—when they cooperate.":

Even if all the market reforms of the Washington think tanks, the Wall Street Journal, and Forbes Magazine were enacted, we’d still need to kiss the Great American Economy goodbye. Below the level of economic policy lies a society that is producing fewer people capable of hard work, especially married men with children. As the retreat from marriage continues apace, there are fewer and fewer of these men, resulting in a slowly, permanently decelerating economy.

When men get married, their sense of responsibility and drive to provide gives them the incentive to work much harder. This translates into an average 27-percent increase in their productivity and income. With the retreat from marriage, instead of this “marriage premium,” we get more single men (who work the least), more cohabiting men (who work less than married men), and more divorced men (who fall between the singles and cohabiters).

All this is visible in the changing work patterns of our country, resulting in real macro-economic consequences.

What Does Water Polo Have to Do With Marriage?

Michael Hannon offers a clever analogy to make a profound point about definitions and reality:

"...By way of illustration, let me return to the natatorium. Water polo is a sport in which seven players swim around in a deep pool, cooperating in an effort to beat the opposing team while abiding by the rules of the game. A water polo team, then, is simply a group of people who play this sport with one another, who band together to win water polo games against other teams. Thus playing water polo is the characteristic activity of a water polo team, meaning not only that it reveals or witnesses to what this team is, but also that it actually makes this team what it is. It is in virtue of their playing water polo that a group of people is a water polo team at all.

Given that, it is obviously insufficient for forming a water polo team that a group of seven people just swim laps around the pool during what would otherwise be a water polo game. To qualify as this particular type of association, the seven must actually do the thing that makes them this type of association. To be a water polo team, the group must play water polo. This also means that, were the seven for some reason incapable of doing the activity characteristic of such team-ship, they could not be a water polo team. Seven people who cannot swim cannot form a team.

What does any of this have to do with marriage? As with water polo, to get at what marriage is, we should ask what the characteristic activity of marriage is. As nearly every society in history has recognized, marriage’s characteristic action is sexual intercourse. Thus coitus is classically termed the “marital act”, and it has traditionally been said to “consummate” the marriage, in a way that no other act—sexual or otherwise—can." (First Things)

CP: Kids Need Both Mom and Dad, Says Gay Man Opposed to Gay Marriage

The Christian Post:

The benefits of intact biological families were emphasized on a "Building a Marriage Culture" panel at the National Review Institute's 2013 Summit, "The Future of Conservatism." One of the panelists, Doug Mainwaring, spoke of his personal experience as a gay man who came to realize that his own children need both a mother and a father.

"For a long time I thought, if I could just find the right partner, we could raise my kids together, but it became increasingly apparent to me, even if I found somebody else exactly like me, who loved my kids as much as I do, there would still be a gaping hole in their lives because they need a mom," Mainwaring, co-founder of National Capital Tea Party Patriots, said.

Mainwaring is now living with his ex-wife so they can co-parent their two teenaged sons.

"I don't want to see children being engineered for same-sex couples where there is either a mom missing or a dad missing," Mainwaring explained. "Somebody needs to stand up for the rights and needs of children in an age when the selfishness of adults seems to be trumping those rights."

Mainwaring receives many surprised reactions when he explains that he is both gay and a conservative. Someone asked him once, "You're gay, how can you be a conservative?"

The audience laughed and clapped as he recalled his reply: "You're an adult, you have children, how can you be a liberal?"

Chorus of Voices Decry Media Double-Standard on FRC Shooter, SPLC

Top conservative writers and bloggers are all pointing out the double standard the media is applying to the FRC shooter and SPLC, compared to the outcry the media expressed in the wake of the Rep. Gabby Giffords shooting as they attempted to pin the violence on right-wing politics.


"...It's impossible not to notice that this is precisely what many on the left accused Sarah Palin of doing in January 2011 after Jared Loughner shot Rep. Giffords and several bystanders in a Tucson parking lot. At the time, the left claimed Palin's district map featuring crosshairs might have given Loughner ideas. No connection between the map and the shooting was ever found. Indeed, it turned out Loughner had been obsessed with Giffords before Palin's map even existed.

Now that anti-right, anti-hate SPLC is implicated in providing targets for a politically motivated mass shooter will the national media turn on the SPLC the way they did on Sarah Palin?"

Erick Erickson of RedState:

"...Floyd Lee Corkins, II, who shot a security guard at the Family Research Center as he attempted to shoot up the organization was directly inspired to take action by a list of supposed “hate groups” on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s website.

... I hope my friends in the media who spent much time talking about Sarah Palin’s political target map will now talk about the Southern Poverty Law Center’s routine and reckless use of the label “hate group” with which is smears conservatives.

By the way, Palin took down her target map after the controversy. The Southern Poverty Law Center? Crickets..."


"...Why yes, this is eerily similar to the left claiming after Gabby Giffords was shot that Palin’s “crosshairs” election map inspired Jared Loughner. With two differences. First, Loughner was not, in fact, inspired by Palin whereas this guy, per his own plea bargain, did consult the SPLC website in choosing people to kill. Second, you’ll see zero coverage of this inconvenient entry in the canon of political hate in wider media because it can’t be used as a blunt object with which to bludgeon the right.

... Funny thing, though: The SPLC itself was verrrrry quick to try to tie Jared Loughner to the “far right”, and kept at it long enough that they were posting speculative pieces about “political rhetoric” and its role in the Tucson shooting as late as 13 days after it occurred. Not only are they comfortable with a free-speech slippery slope when it’s right-wingers who are at risk, they’re willing and eager to add some grease."