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Search Results for: democrats

NOM's Peters in NRO: "GOP Won’t Deserve Millenials If It Abandons the Pro-Marriage Ones"

Our Communications Director Thomas Peters writes in response to the comments made by the IL GOP Chair Pat Brady about young voters and their views on marriage. He argues that “An abandonment of traditional marriage by the GOP would leave 12 million Millennials without a party that reflects their views on marriage”: Illinois GOP chairman […]

The French Rebellion! NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, A massive rebellion against gay marriage is brewing in France. I’m here now, and I’ll report to you first hand from the rally planned for Sunday. To read the news accounts in the U.S., you would think gay marriage is inevitable here. Like everywhere. That’s what they always say, right? Recognize that […]

Brian Brown on the Future of the Marriage Fight: "We're Going to Win"

Brian Brown speaks to NBC News about the future of the legal and state-level fight to protect marriage: “…Opponents [of redefining marriage] are pushing back hard to make sure that doesn’t happen, even as they express confidence that the nation’s high court will rule in their favor when it weighs in on the Defense of […]

National Organization for Marriage (NOM) Praises Illinois Legislature for Resisting Push to Redefine Marriage

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 4, 2013 Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004) Defeat of Bill Strengthens Pro-Family Efforts to Preserve Marriage in Next Legislature Washington, D.C. — The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today praised the Illinois Legislature for refusing to agree to redefine marriage in the waning days of the lame duck session. […]

"Not Enough Votes!" NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, “Not Enough Votes!” Too. Close. To. Call. That’s what the liberal Chicago Defender just called the vote—”Too close to call.” Not. Enough. Votes. That’s what a spokeswoman for Senate President John Cullerton told The Associated Press late Thursday: “There aren’t currently enough votes to pass it on the floor.” What a difference […]

Illinois Gay Marriage Bill Stalls, Won't Come Up in Lame Duck

A unified Republican party and conservative Democrats have foiled (for now) the “momentum” to redefine marriage — please continue to keep up your grassroots lobbying! With the limited time remaining in the lame duck session, advocates said Thursday night that there isn’t enough time to pass the full Illinois marriage equality bill in the lame […]

BREAKING: Big Win in Illinois!

Dear Marriage Supporter, We’ve just received word that Illinois Democrats have canceled plans to vote on same-sex marriage this week, unable to secure enough support to guarantee passage. Publicly, they’re saying that it’s just because some of their supporters are out of town, but we are hearing that your pressure is part of the reason […]

"Not Enough Votes" for Gay Marriage in Illinois, as GOP Stands United

The spokesman for the Illinois senate president admits they do not have the votes currently for gay marriage — and the Republicans stand united in opposition to it. These are more encouraging signs that we can score a big surprise win here if we keep making calls and lobbying the politicians in Springfield: Illinois Senate […]

VICTORY: No Gay Marriage Vote in Illinois This Week!

Proponents of redefining marriage had hoped to ram through this bill as soon as possible. Today they failed to get the votes needed to get the bill to the floor. This shows that all of our hard work is paying off! Now is the time to continue our lobbying and grassroots efforts: The fate of […]

National Organization for Marriage Pledges To Defeat Any Republican Legislator in Illinois Who Votes For Gay 'Marriage'

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 3, 2013 Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004) NOM Demands that State GOP Chair Pat Brady Resign or Be Removed Washington, D.C. — The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today pledged to form an Illinois state PAC and spend $250,000 defeating Republican legislators who vote in support of same-sex ‘marriage’ […]

Gay Marriage To Be Pushed as Amendment to Car Rental Bill

Not only is gay marriage being pushed during the lame duck session, it is being pushed as an amendment to a totally unrelated bill: Illinois Senators may be voting on marriage equality as early as this morning, after backers of bill changed course and tacked marriage equality onto another bill already scheduled for vote.Illinois Senators […]

NJ Democrat Senate Leader Doesn't Want the People to Vote on Marriage

Even in deep blue New Jersey, pro-gay marriage Senate President Steve Sweeney (D) doesn’t want a bill introduced by one of his fellow Democrats calling for a vote of the people on marriage to proceed. Presumably it’s because he fears he will lose such a public vote: Sen. President Steve Sweeney today reiterated his position […]

Illinois Lawmakers Who Promised Civil Unions Would Be Enough Now Pushing SSM

Democrats in Illinois are now saying they may try to push for redefined marriage during the upcoming lame duck session in January. The Illinois Family Institute points out some of these same lawmakers had promised that same-sex civil unions would be enough, and that they would not harm religious freedom: “Multiple media sources are cheerfully […]

Answering the Questions, NOM Marriage News

Dear Marriage Supporter, The results of the 2012 Election were extremely disappointing on many levels, not least because of the voter approval of same-sex marriage in Maine, Maryland and Washington, and the voter rejection of a proposed amendment to the Minnesota constitution defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Going into […]

Erick Erickson On Why Social Issues Are Critical to the Growth of the GOP

Erick Erickson of RedState: “…A sizable portion of those black and hispanic voters voted GOP despite disagreeing with the GOP on fiscal issues. But they are strongly social conservative and could not vote for the party of killing kids and gay marriage. So they voted GOP.  You throw out the social conservatives and you throw […]