FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 23, 2011
Contact: Mary Beth Hutchins or Elizabeth Ray (703-683-5004)
Talk Back to Bank of America on Frank Turek's Beha Campaign
WASHINGTON - National Organization for Marriage today announces the launch of a new Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance, releasing its first video on Frank Turek, who lost his contract with Cisco and Bank of America because a company employee complained he had written a book opposing gay marriage. MarriageADA has launched a consumer complaint campaign directed at Bank of America in North Carolina, where the company is headquartered.
"Gay marriage advocates are seeking to create an America in which decent, loving, law-abiding Americans are afraid to stand up for the idea that marriage is the union of husband and wife, for fear of reprisals ranging from insults and invectives like 'hater' and 'bigot,' to practical consequences like the loss of a job," said Maggie Gallagher, co-founder of NOM. "Frank Turek's experience shows that an anti-defamation initiative is urgently needed, not for some point down the road, but right now in America. He's right, it is simply un-American, regardless of your views on gay marriage, that any American could lose their job or contract for writing civilly, thoughtfully, and intelligently in defense of our historic, cross-cultural understanding of marriage."
"We reached out to a small number of customers of Bank of America in the Charlotte area, told them what happened to Frank Turek and asked them to call the company to let bankers know their customers do not appreciate this kind of disrespect. In the last few days more than 1,400 people have called to complain," said Gallagher.
"We want to create an America in which people do not fear losing their jobs, or any other threats to their person or property, because they do not agree with gay marriage. I believe both sides in this debate deserve basic respect for exercising their core civil rights as Americans to engage in an important public debate," Gallagher concluded.
For the video, and more information on the new Marriage Anti-Defamation Alliance, go to .
To schedule an interview with Maggie Gallagher, please contact Mary Beth Hutchins, [email protected], x.105 or Elizabeth Ray, [email protected], x.130 at