Show Up to Preserve Marriage in Illinois!


National Organization for Marriage

Dear Marriage Supporter,

Gay marriage activists in Illinois are at it again...but we have a response ready!

Illinois Senate President John Cullerton wants the Illinois Senate to vote on redefining marriage on Valentine's Day. Even if the bill were to pass the Senate (which is not at all a done deal) it still must pass the Illinois House where we are even stronger.

Our opponents think they can find the votes to pass it...but not on our watch!

Join the Preserve Marriage Lobby Day in Springfield on Wednesday, February 20th (details below).

This time around our opponents have included phony religious liberty protections in an effort to trick legislators into supporting the bill (SB10). Alliance Defending Freedom legal counsel Joe LaRue set the record straight in Springfield when he testified:

"This law does not protect religious freedom as it claims. Rather, it promotes religious intolerance, bigotry and discrimination."

Remember, the last time gay marriage activists promised that people of faith would be protected, Catholic and Lutheran foster care agencies were forced to shut down across the state.

We've seen politicians make false promises before and we won't be fooled again.

With your help, we can preserve marriage and protect people of faith in Illinois, if you take these three steps right away:

  1. Contact your state senator and representative today! Use this link to send an email to your elected officials, or better still, click here to look up their phone numbers and make a personal phone call to let your senator and representative know: don't threaten religious liberty and don't redefine marriage, our only civil institution that connects children with parents. Marriage and faith matter!

  2. Show up for the Preserve Marriage Lobby Day on February 20th at 10:30AM at the State Capital rotunda. Go to the table sponsored by the Illinois Family Institute off the rotunda where you can pick up more information and take part.

  3. Finally, forward this email to friends and family throughout the state, or use the buttons below to share on Facebook and Twitter. It's going to take thousands of Illinoisans like you working together to preserve marriage in Illinois. Help spread the word today!

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I know I can count on you to help. Thank you for keeping up the momentum!

Contributions or gifts to the National Organization for Marriage, a 501(c)(4) organization, are not tax-deductible. The National Organization for Marriage does not accept contributions from business corporations, labor unions, foreign nationals, or federal contractors; however, it may accept contributions from federally registered political action committees. Donations may be used for political purposes such as supporting or opposing candidates. No funds will be earmarked or reserved for any political purpose.

This message has been authorized and paid for by the National Organization for Marriage, 2029 K Street NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20006, Brian Brown, President. This message has not been authorized or approved by any candidate.
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