SCOTUS’ Prop 8 Ruling Behind Attempt to Overturn Arkansas’ Ban on Gay Marriage


The Associated Press reports that hot on the heels of the recent U.S. Supreme Court’s Prop 8 decision, three same-sex couples in Arkansas have filed a federal lawsuit asking that the state’s ban on gay marriage be overturned.

ArkansasThis is in addition to a similar lawsuit that was previously filed in state court, and the story also reveals that the state’s same-sex marriage lobby is working to “get a measure on the 2014 ballot to legalize same-sex marriage.”

NOM will keep you up to date as this story develops and will continue to be on the front lines of these all-important state battles. If you haven’t already done so, please take a moment to sign-up for our alerts here, and share this information with your like-minded family and friends in Arkansas.

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