Marriage Majority Initiative Launches to Restore a Pro-Marriage House in 2014!


Minnesota for Marriage is teaming up with marriage defenders across the state to launch the Marriage Majority Initiative, which will "work to restore a pro-marriage majority in the Minnesota House in 2014 by supporting legislators who withstood immense political pressure in order to cast a vote in defense of traditional marriage and by helping Minnesotans find better representation for themselves in districts where legislators abandoned their constituents in favor of the same-sex 'marriage' lobby."

MinneapolisThe majority of Minnesotans support marriage between one man and one woman, and they deserve a majority of representatives in their government who do as well. The Marriage Majority Initiative will serve as a resource to Minnesotans who want to see a pro-Marriage majority restored in the Minnesota House,” said John Helmberger, Chairman of Minnesota for Marriage and CEO of Minnesota Family Council.

“Minnesotans around the state have been asking ‘what’s next?’ after a group of legislators forced same-sex ‘marriage’ on the state. The Marriage Majority Initiative will help them answer that question by restoring a pro-Marriage majority in their state government. We are blessed to live in a country where The People can choose their representation. And, when their chosen representation fails them, the People have the opportunity to choose new leaders.” -Minnesota for Marriage

If you have friends or family that live in the Land of 10,000 Lakes, pass this along! Minnesotans deserve representatives who will honor their word and defend marriage!

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