Dear Marriage Supporter,
Three members of the Richmond City Council have introduced an ordinance that would recognize same-sex 'marriages,' in violation of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia!
This is the latest in a string of nationwide efforts by the same-sex 'marriage' lobby to circumvent the law and impose a genderless marriage regime on the American people against their will.
We can't let this happen in Virginia! Virginians made it crystal clear that they believe man is between one man and one woman when they approved the State Constitutional Amendment in 2006 by a 57 percent majority.
Please stand with us today and demand that the Richmond City Council obey the law of the Commonwealth and the express will of the people!
Here are three things you can do to protect marriage in Virginia:
First, no matter where you are in Virginia, send a message to the City Council urging them to uphold the express will of the people of Virginia and reject Ordinance #2013-154.
Second, if you are anywhere near Richmond, attend the meeting of the City Council Committee on Government Operations where the ordinance is being crafted. Details are below.
The Richmond City Council Government Operations Committee will meet on Thursday, September 26th to discuss this matter. The meeting will take place from 3:00-5:00PM at the Richmond City Hall (900 E. Broad Street), in the large conference room on the second floor.
You do not have to reside in Richmond to speak. Any member of the public may testify.
I hope you will make an effort to attend this meeting and tell the Richmond City Council that it has NO AUTHORITY to undermine the express will of the people of Virginia who voted in 2006 to pass an amendment to our constitution defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman!
Third, you can call the members of the Government Operations Committee and urge them to scrap this ordinance rather than even bring it before the full Council for consideration. Their names and contact info are as follows:
Cynthia Newbille, Committee Chair — (804)-646-3012
Ellen Robertson, Committee Vice-Chair — (804)-646-7964
Jonathan Baliles, Committee Member — (804) 646-5349
Kathy Graziano, Committee Alternate — (804)-320-2454
When you speak with these Councilpersons' offices, or if you testify at the meeting on September 26th, here are a couple of points to mention:
The proposed ordinance (2013-154) is a toothless law and a waste of taxpayer time and money. The Council should be spending its time serving their constituencies and not toying with a radical agenda pushed by a powerful special interest lobby.
Since the ordinance is incumbent on Virginia state law changing to allow same-sex marriage, the only reason it is being proposed now is to make a media event of the issue, and to put pressure on public officials and judges to ignore the will of Virginia voters who passed the Virginia Marriage Amendment by a strong majority in 2006.
The City of Richmond does not have the authority or purview to surreptitiously undermine the law of the entire state in the way, when voters throughout the entire State believe marriage is solely the union of one man and one woman!
Remind the Council, too, that everywhere marriage is redefined, society suffers: people of faith are stigmatized in the public square, bullied at their businesses and places of work, and religious organizations and individuals are forced to violate their conscience or shutter their doors. This cannot be allowed to happen in Virginia.
So please, consider attending the important meeting on September 26th, and taking action today to email and call the City Council. When you've finished, please use the buttons below to forward this email to your family and friends — or share it on Facebook and Twitter — so that the values and beliefs of Virginia's pro-marriage majority are heard loud and clear in Richmond!
Brian S. Brown