Author Archives: NOM Staff

MRC's Bozell on Censoring the Pro-Marriage Point of View

Brent Bozell, founder and president of the Media Research Center, calls out the media for censoring pro-marriage points of view: “…The official gay censorship lobbies – from the Orwellian-named “GLAAD” to the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association – define “fairness and accuracy” as being stories that try to scrape “fairness” away, treating opposition like […]

No Supreme Court Decision Today

NOM’s communications director Thomas Peters was at the Supreme Court today. No rulings were issued in the Prop 8 or DOMA cases. We will return next Monday and Thursday until the decisions are made public. So stay tuned!

ADF: Professor Ordered Students to Support SSM

FoxNews’ Todd Starnes: A Tennessee community college professor ordered her students to wear ribbons supporting gay rights and said those who believed in the traditional definition of marriage are just “uneducated bigots” who “attack homosexuals with hate,” according to a legal firm representing several of the students in the class. Students in a general psychology […]

CBN Video: "Traditional Marriage Movement Gaining Steam"

Check out this great video and article from CBN News on young marriage defenders! “…a traditional marriage movement whose leaders represent a new generation has entered the game, and it is gaining steam. “The other side has been preparing the seeds for this debate for 20 or 30 years and they’ve been well-prepared, well-organized and […]

NOM's Peters to CBS: Social Conservatives are Leading the Movement

Our Communications Director Thomas Peters was interviewed by CBS News on the place of the conservative movement within the Republican party and who is shaping the future of the party: “…Peters didn’t buy the argument that Republicans are losing younger voters on same-sex marriage: “I don’t see that.” He derided those who would advise Republican […]

Wilcox in The Atlantic: The Distinct, Positive Impact of a Good Dad

Dads matter. So argues Prof. Brad Wilcox in The Atlantic: I understand where Jennifer Aniston is coming from. Like many of her peers in Hollywood, not to mention scholars and writers opining on fatherhood these days, she has come to the conclusion that dads are dispensable: “Women are realizing it more and more knowing that they don’t have to settle […]

Deborah Savage: What Is a Mother to Do? Questions for SSM Advocates

Deborah Savage, professor of philosophy and pastoral ministry in the St. Paul Seminary School of Divinity at the University of St. Thomas, argues in Public Discourse that “to demand that we recognize same-sex romantic relationships as marriages, and teach our children so, is to prevent them from discovering reality”: “…I am the mother of a […]

Anderson in The Blaze: High Stakes as Supreme Court Prepares to Rule on SSM

Ryan Anderson writes in The Blaze: “…We tend to forget that marriage predates government. Throughout history, diverse cultures and faiths have upheld marriage as the ideal. It is the fundamental building block of all human civilization. Marriage has public purposes that transcend its private purposes. Marriage is society’s best way to ensure the well-being of children […]

This Weekend, Celebrate Dad!

Tomorrow, be sure to celebrate Father’s Day — and the unique role fathers play in society and in raising the next generation. This month the Supreme Court will rule in two critical cases (Prop 8 and DOMA) that, among other things, will determine whether or not our marriage laws will continue to reflect and honor […]

700 Club Video: IRS Troubles Multiply as NOM's Story Unfolds

John Jessup of CBN News produced a special report for the 700 Club on NOM’s decision to sue the IRS: “…Dr. Eastman’s group believes someone in the IRS illegally gave its private donors’ list to the Human Rights Campaign, a gay rights group that supports same-sex marriage. HRC posted the donor information on line during […]

Politifact Oregon: Rep. Blumenauer's Tax-Exempt Claim Was "False"

Our Chairman John Eastman told Rep. Blumenauer during his testimony before Congress that the congressman’s claim was “preposterous” that groups such as NOM should not be considered a social welfare group. Politifact Oregon agrees with our Chairman and rated Rep. Bluemenauer’s claim false: “Blumenauer said that “the statute a hundred years ago said that they […]

Scottish Catholic Adoption Agency Threatened with Closure Over Marriage Views

LifeSiteNews: Another British Catholic adoption agency is being threatened with closure by the government for refusing to toe the government’s line of support for the homosexualist political agenda. St. Margaret’s Children and Family Care Society, associated with the Catholic archdiocese of Glasgow, has lost a ruling in its argument with the Scottish government’s charity regulator, […]

Smoot: Children Need Our Marriage Tradition

John Smoot, a trial court judge of Boston’s Probate and Family Court from 1990 to 2012, currently serves as a mediator at Boston Area Mediation. He writes in the Public Discourse that “Redefining marriage will make it harder for our children to develop their self-understanding and will sanction procreative methods that treat children like commodities”: […]

Video: Brian Brown on Hannity: "We're Going to Fight This"

Our president was recently on a special segment of Hannity on FOX News and shared his story. When he said “Our donors are not going to be intimidated, we’re going to fight this” the studio audience broke out into applause:

NRO on the IRS and NOM: "The Information-Revealing Service"

Ian Tuttle of National Review Online gives one of the most thorough explanations to date about what we know about the IRS leaking NOM’s confidential tax returns: “…[An] investigation could help to determine whether the impetus for the leaks came from within the IRS or from elsewhere. Eastman notes that one month before the leak, […]