Author Archives: NOM Staff

Pennsylvania Attorney General Ignores Rule of Law

Americans may disagree on a whole host of issues, including marriage, but a commitment to the democratic process is critical. Allowing corruption into the system, even if it happens to favor your political view at the time, is detrimental to Americans, and to our nation, long-term: Attorney General Kathleen Kane’s decision to forgo defending Pennsylvania’s […]

JOIN US: Thomas Peters Benefit Concert

We can’t thank you enough for the outpouring of support for our Communications Director Thomas Peters as he continues his journey toward recovery. As many of you know, Thomas sustained very serious injuries following a diving accident last month, but has made significant progress over these past weeks and continues to show great signs of […]

NOM Regional Director Christopher Plante on Relevant Radio

Our own Chris Plante, Regional Director for NOM-Rhode Island, appeared on the Drew Mariani Show today to discuss attacks on marriage and our religious liberties, and also how we can continue to build a strong marriage culture for the future. The segment begins around the 33:00 mark:

When Our Laws Start Losing Sight of Children

Alex Saitta writes a thought-provoking letter to the editor of the Easley Patch this week, pointing out what happens when our laws start catering only to adults and ignore the best interests of children’s when it comes to their growth and development. The arguments for gay-marriage and abortion are fundamentally flawed because both put the rights […]

National Organization for Marriage Decries Gay Activist Witch Hunt in Iowa

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 8, 2013 Contact: Elizabeth Ray or Jen Campbell (703-683-5004) “This is another attempt to shut down criticism of activist judges and politicians who wish to redefine marriage.” — Brian Brown, NOM president — Washington, D.C. — The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) today decried the decision of the Iowa Ethics and […]

Illinois Lawmakers Need to Hear from You!

Illinois Family Institute: It’s almost hard to believe, but there are still several state lawmakers who claim they are “on the fence” on same-sex “marriage” legislation, SB10.  The proponents of same-sex “marriage” have not stopped putting pressure on them and it’s critical that they hear from folks who oppose redefining marriage! Same-sex “marriage” activists have […]

"Defending the Natural Family" Summit to Commence in Chicago August 29-31

It’s a critical month for marriage in Illinois. So what better time for a “Defending the Natural Family” Summit! African American leaders, pastors, and citizens from across the state of Illinois and the nation will be gathering later this month to discuss the plight of the black family and how best to defend it. From Christian […]

From "Wedlock" to "Wedlease"?

Redefining marriage means redefining all the basic language that relates to marriage as well. And even coming up with new terms entirely. Ryan T. Anderson expands upon this notion today in the National Review: Merriam-Webster is going to have to update the next edition of its dictionary, at least if marriage redefiners have their way. […]

"My Two Husbands": Salon Gives Glowing Account of Multi-Spouse Marriages

Back in April, an author for Slate argued that polygamy is the natural next step for “marriage equality”. Now, Salon is extolling the virtues of multi-spouse marriage with their piece on a woman who has been married for 16 years to her husband, but also has a boyfriend whom she plans to marry in a […]

Illinois Judge To Make Decision Next Month on Whether to Dismiss ACLU Lawsuit

CitizenLink: A Cook County judge announced today that she will make her decision next month in a case challenging Illinois’ definition of marriage as a union between one man and one woman. The ACLU and Lambda Legal are suing on behalf of 25 same-sex couples claiming the 1996 law violates the state Constitution. Circuit Judge […]

Thomas More Society Says Illinois Lawsuit by Same-Sex Couple Has No Legal Basis

The Thomas More Society is calling for the dismissal of two lawsuits brought by Illinois same-sex marriage activists, represented by the ACLU and Lambda Legal, attacking the state’s law defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman: “Yesterday, constitutional scholar Paul Linton cited overwhelming legal authority that contradicts and undermines plaintiffs’ ostensible […]

Coming to a Canadian Law School Near You: Gay Marriage

Bradley Miller discusses on the Public Discourse blog how same-sex marriage (in Canada), “…has become, for many, a cherished symbol of tolerance, inclusion and acceptance. So much so that many have a difficult time seeing any reason to tolerate continued dissent.” He points out that this line of thinking has created a systematic purging of […]

Cardinal George Doubles-Down on Decision to Defund Pro-SSM Immigration Group

Responding to renewed criticism of his decision to defund the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights because of its overt support for same-sex marriage, Francis Cardinal George, archbishop of Chicago, Ill., has reaffirmed the move. In a July 29 statement, Cardinal George stated that the coalition, “broke faith with its member organizations when it publicly […]

Poll: Majority of Michigan Voters Want Marriage Defined as Husband and Wife!

New poll results out this week show that 51% of Michigan voters are opposed to legislation that would redefine marriage in their state. Just 42% would support such legislation. According to A slim majority of likely Michigan voters would oppose legislation or a ballot measure seeking to allow same-sex marriage in the state, according to […]

Get Ready for Washington Post to Get a Whole Lot More One-Sided About Marriage Debate

Media bias favoring marriage redefinition? It may be nothing new, but the Washington Post may be taking that bias up a notch in the near future. Newsbusters reports that the Post’s new owner, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, spent a reported $2.5 million last year to support same-sex marriage in Washington state. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos’ […]