Author Archives: NOM Staff

Harvard Prof. Charles Fried on President Obama's DOMA decision

Adam Liptak, the Supreme Court reporter at the NYT, makes a surprisingly good case that Obama’s decision is hard to justify, including this quote from former solicitor general in the Reagan administration and Harvard Law professor Charles Fried: “This is an unbecoming, not to mention totally unconvincing, use of excessive ingenuity in squirming out of […]

House Whip confirms "House Will Act on DOMA by the End of the Week"

The NYT Caucus blog reports: With Republicans upset at the Obama administration’s abandonment of the Defense of Marriage Act, Representative Eric Cantor, the Virginia Republican and majority leader, said on Monday that the House would take action by the end of the week to make certain the law is defended against legal challenges. Mr. Cantor […]

6th-ranked GOP criticizes DOMA decision, warns of oversight

The Hill reports: Rep. Dan Lungren (R-Calif.), the sixth-ranking Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, said the Obama administration’s decision to no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act is a “dereliction of duty,” and indicated that congressional oversight may be coming. “It is beyond disappointment,” Lungren said on the House floor Monday. “I believe […]

Video: Newt Gingrich says If Palin Took Obama Actions, There Would Be Calls for Impeachment

Newsmax.TV: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said President Barack Obama’s decision not to fully enforce the Defense of Marriage law eventually could lead to a constitutional crisis, as he has directly violated his constitutional duties by arbitrarily suspending a law:

Maggie's latest column: President Obama’s DOMA Outrage Will Backfire

By refusing to defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), by calling it “legally indefensible,” by inventing a new constitutional doctrine (i.e. that sexual orientation is a protected class) never accepted by the Supreme Court, by rejecting controlling Supreme Court precedent in Baker v. Nelson on marriage, by nakedly politicizing the Justice Department, by nationalizing […]

Video: British High Court Rules Christian Couple May Not Foster Kids

Eunice Johns (with husband Owens), in her own words: Here is the full story on the British high court decision which was handed down today.

Chuck Colson v. President Obama on DOMA

In the Christian Post: [Attorney General Eric] Holder has embraced the position of Federal Judge Vaughn Walker in California that opposing so-called gay marriage can be “harmful to gays and lesbians.” But that’s like claiming that opposition to polygamy is harmful to polygamists or that laws defining marriage as the union of two people harm those […]

Huckabee: Obama alienating blacks with gay marriage decision

Rawstory reports: Fox News’ Chris Wallace talked with Huckabee about the [DOMA] decision Sunday. “You say that that could destroy the president,” Wallace noted. “Isn’t that over the top?” “No,” Huckabee replied. “He alieniated the African American community. Overwhelmingly, they support traditional marriages more than Hispanics and more than whites.”

Pittsburgh Tribune: On DOMA, Obama is "Defenseless"

The Pittsburgh Tribune is pro-gay marriage. But even they cannot tolerate Obama’s dereliction of duty: “…the Obama administration’s decision to no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act is, as a matter of law, defenseless.” (source)

WSJ quotes Brian Brown on DOMA intervention

The Wall Street Journal: “Brian Brown, president of the National Organization for Marriage, which opposes same-sex marriage, said his group had already been meeting with members of Congress to ask them to intervene in the DOMA legal challenges.”

URGENT: Court Sets Deadline in DOMA Case – Contact Congress Today!

Dear Friend of Marriage, Our task just became even more urgent. On Friday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit gave us just three weeks to ensure that Congress steps up to defend DOMA. By March 18th, the Obama administration and the State of Massachusetts must agree on a new plan for how the […]

Maryland Prepares for Referendum Fight (if it comes to that)

Maggie Clark: One day after the Maryland Senate voted to approve same-sex marriage, representatives from national organizations, including the Family Research Council and the National Organization for Marriage, were in Annapolis lending their support to the fight against same-sex marriage in the state. Opponents on Friday were well organized and said Thursday’s vote in the […]

What reporters took away from Maggie's MD testimony

Last Friday Maggie testified at the SSM hearing in Maryland. We’ll have audio of her testimony up here soon so you can judge for yourself. From the Baltimore Sun “Maryland Politics” blog: Pastors, lawyers and the chairwoman of the National Organization for Marriage were among the opponents to testify this afternoon. “Most of my adult […]

Video: Jon Stewart Goes After MSNBC, OBAMA

He’s a funny guy, even when he’s picking on us. Funnier when he’s picking on MSNBC: The Daily Show – There’s Something About Marry Tags: Daily Show Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,The Daily Show on Facebook

Sunday Funnies: Obama's Priorities
