Author Archives: NOM Staff

Delegate Alston Says She Will Vote for SSM and "The People Will Decide"

Del. Alston indicates the referendum is letting her vote for SSM: Accordingly, I have resolved that if and when the chairman calls the vote I will be ready to vote based on what I believe to be right.  In time the people of Maryland will also have the opportunity to vote on what they each […]

Breaking: North Carolina Marriage Amendment Underway

The good news for marriage just keeps piling up! In North Carolina, marriage advocates say odds look good for passing a marriage amendment. North Carolina is the only southern state that has not added a marriage amendment to its constitution. Democratic leaders, with a lot of help from Tim Gill’s money, claimed it was “unnecessary.” […]

Roll Call: Surging Opposition to Gay Marriage Will Influence 2012 Campaign

So Roll Call, a Capitol Hill newspaper reports: Newly emboldened Republican lawmakers in Iowa and New Hampshire have sharpened their focus on blocking gay marriage rights, thrusting a wedge issue into the spotlight just as candidates start wooing voters in the most important states on the presidential primary calendar. The debate over the divisive social […]

AP Reports: MD House Speaker Busch "uncertain" whether SSM will pass

Delegate Jill Carter says education is just as much of a “fundamental right” as gay marriage. After speaking with her, House Speaker Michael Busch says he is now “uncertain” whether SSM can pass, the AP reports: “We think it’s a fundamental right for our children to get their money for education, the majority of our […]

MD House Committee Vote on SSM Delayed Until At Least Thursday

Via the Daily Record: House Judiciary Committee Chair Joseph F. Vallario Jr. has delayed until Thursday at the earliest a vote on legislation to permit same-sex marriage in Maryland after two critical supporters of the measure said they would not vote before their concerns about potential school budget cuts are addressed.“We may hold it [beyond […]

Fox News: Carter Still Not Satisfied After 90min Meeting with MD House Speaker

A serious snag: The effort to extend full marriage rights to same-sex couples is on hold in the Maryland House following a day of delegate protests and closed-door negotiations. … Supporters need 12 votes on the committee to pass the bill. Carter, a likely swing vote, said her request had not been met, after a […]

SOMD Reports: Third Delegate Refused to Show Up for SSM Vote in Maryland

Delegate Curtis Anderson (D-Baltimore, pictured right) also failed to show up for the committee vote today. He has served as the chairman of the Maryland Legislative Black Caucus, according to his website. Del. Jill Carter is unapologetic about holding out for a payoff: “I don’t feel good about disappointing my colleagues, but I think that […]

Baltimore Sun Confirms: SSM "in Peril" in MD as Co-Sponsors Jump Ship

At least one of the two black Democrats (Del. Tiffany Alston) who refused to appear for the committee vote says she’s now uncertain how she will vote and wants to pray about it. The second co-sponsor is now insisting on bargaining for benefits for her district in exchange for her vote. And a third Judiciary […]

Baltimore Sun Editors Urge Dem. Leaders to Go After Del. Carter

Their conclusion: There is no question that legislative leaders should not and will not accede to [Del. Jill Carter’s] demands. They cannot negotiate with a hostage-taker. Sadly, that could, indeed, give her the power to scuttle the bill. But she should think very carefully before doing that. It may give her a fleeting moment of […]

Maryland: There's Still Time Left!

Urgent news: I need you to call your state delegate right now! We have 3 hours until the Committee is about to vote. Use this link to look up your delegate’s phone number. Use this link to send an email to your delegate and the members of the House Judiciary Committee. There’s been much good […]

UPDATE: Missing Delegates STALL MD Vote--Where Have They Gone?

House leaders were pushing hard to get a vote in Maryland, fearful that if they wait any longer the rumble from the black churches will kill same-sex marriage in Maryland. But WaPo is reporting that plans to vote today in committee have been stalled when two delegates went missing: [UPDATE: According to the AP, one […]

Liberal Law Prof: Obama is Wrong on DOMA

Adam Winkler, a profess or law at UCLA writes in the HuffPo: The administration decided not to defend DOMA on the basis of a controversial reading of the Constitution. Attorney General Eric Holder’s letter to John Boehner, in which the announcement was made, stated that discrimination against gays must meet what the courts call “heightened […]

African-American Reaction to Obama's DOMA Dereliction

The Washington Post is optimistic, natch, that no black voters will care about this. But some interesting reporting is buried inside: “Anthony Evans, a minister who heads the National Black Church Initiative, had a strong negative reaction to the announcement that Obama no longer believes the Defense of Marriage Act, called DOMA, is constitutional. After […]

Reaction to Johns v. Derby Foster Care Ruling: LifeSite News

Here is a portion of the ruling they thought noteworthy: In their ruling, the judges stated, “That there is a tension between the equality provisions concerning religious discrimination and those concerning sexual orientation. Yet, as regards fostering, the equality provisions concerning sexual orientation should take precedence.” “A local authority can require positive attitudes to be […]

Video: Winners of the Ruth Institute's Reel Love Challenge Announced!

The Ruth Institute asked young people to make videos that answer the question: “Is lifelong married love possible?” Today they announced the winners: Third Place, $1,000 “Serve One Another in Love” by Erik Parks from La Vergne, TN Second Place, $1,500 “Catching the Vision” by Maria Proctor from Provo, UT First Place, $2,000 “Carter and […]