Author Archives: NOM Staff

Minnesota North District of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod Votes To “Support and Promote The Passage of The Minnesota Marriage Protection Amendment”

Minnesota For Marriage: The Minnesota North District of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS) voted unanimously to “support, and promote, whenever and wherever possible, the passage of the Marriage Protection Amendment on the November 6, 2012 ballot.” The resolution was passed by pastors and laypersons from each congregation at the Minnesota North District Convention […]

Video: African American Pastors and Civil Rights Ministers Condemn President Obama on Marriage

Local WREG news reports: Memphis pastors want Obama to know that the same-sex marriage issue is “hijacking the civil rights movement.”

Video Report: Poster Couple for CA SSM Gets Divorce

Lauren Gores of NewsyPolitics filed a report on YouTube back in February about the poster child for same-sex marriage in California getting a divorce that we found interesting:

Video: Catholics Called to Vote to Reinforce (Not Redefine) Marriage in 2012

This video is going viral on YouTube, with almost 1.3 million views. It aims to inspire Catholics to remember some issues are “not negotiable” — including the fact that “marriage should be reinforced, not redefined”:

Video: Are Churches Motivated by Hatred of Gay People?

Kalley Yanta of the Minnesota Marriage Amendment responds to the charge that churches are motivated by hatred of gay people because of their theological views about sexuality. She says: “While it is sad that gay marriage activists seeking to impose same-sex marriage through the Minnesota courts claim that churches are motivated by hatred towards gays […]

Matthew Franck Takes on Jonathan Rauch's Arguments for SSM

Matthew J. Franck is director of the William E. and Carol G. Simon Center on Religion and the Constitution at the Witherspoon Institute. In this substantial article for First Things, he takes on gay-marriage advocate Jonathan Rauch, who recently tried to assail five “myths” about same-sex marriage. Franck insists that these “myths” about same-sex marriage […]

FRC Video: The Problem With Same-Sex Marriage

Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council has released a new 30-minute documentary explaining some of the impact of redefining marriage:

Israeli Bill to Legalize SSM Fails 11 to 39

The Jerusalem Post: The Knesset voted down a bill on Wednesday that would allow same-sex and interfaith couples to wed. The legislation, proposed by MK Nitzan Horowitz (Meretz), would open the option of civil marriages for those who may not be wed according to Halacha (Jewish law), as well as those who choose not to […]

James Dobson: Obama Rips Into Marriage

James Dobson, Ph.D., is a psychologist, broadcaster, best-selling author, and president and founder of James Dobson’s Family Talk: The president’s statement [in support of same-sex marriage] also lacks internal consistency. He said he favors each state’s right to determine the definition of marriage – yet isn’t that precisely what the people of North Carolina did […]

OneNewsNow: Black Clergy Challenge Obama on Gay Marriage

Chad Groening of OneNewsNow: A group of leading black clergy and civil rights leaders are asking President Barack Obama to reconsider his support for same-gender “marriage.” William Owens, Sr. is founder and president of the Coalition of African-American Pastors, a group whose goal is to promote and support Christ-centered values in the culture. The CAAP […]

AP: Memphis Black Pastors Condemn Obama's Gay Marriage Support

The Associated Press: A group of black pastors gathered in Memphis to call for President Barack Obama to rescind his view that the gay marriages are a civil right that should be protected. Some members of the black clergy have taken offense to the fact that the fight for homosexual rights has been compared to […]

300+ Coloradans Rally Under Theme "Loving All, Protecting Marriage"

Karla Dial at CitizenLink: More than 300 people turned out on the west side of the Colorado Capitol building today for a rally celebrating another victory for marriage, after state lawmakers killed a bill seeking to establish same-sex civil unions. Legislators and pastors alike spoke at the gathering, urging pro-family advocates — who wore white […]

Audio: NOM's Peters Calls Out Dan Savage on Seattle Radio, Looks Forward To NOM Debate

NOM’s Thomas Peters went on KOMO Seattle radio recently to talk about Brian Brown’s challenge to Dan Savage to have a civil debate about marriage: Interviewer: “I think Dan Savage is very passionate about his defense of gay marriage and I think he’s become very tired of the arguments used against it. And I think […]

Boxer Manny Pacquiao Banned From CA Shopping Mall Over SSM Remarks

Los Angeles Times blog L.A. Now: Boxer Manny Pacquiao has been banned from the Grove shopping mall because of comments he made about gay marriage. In an interview with National Conservative Examiner, Pacquiao addressed President Obama’s recent endorsement of gay marriage. “God’s words first … obey God’s law first before considering the laws of man,” […]

Video: Colorado Pastor Decides to Literally!

Via the YouTube intro: Pastor Bob Enyart of Denver Bible Church joins by pouring his Venti (20 oz) Pike blend down a Colorado sewer because the company is trying to undermine the teach[ing] of Jesus Christ that God made us male and female at the beginning of creation. We’re closing in on 40,000 of […]